
ALL OF HER TAEKWONDO SKILLS and all of the safety lessons her parents taught, evaporates off her memory as she stands there in front of him, not knowing what to do.

"Sleep." His deep voice sounds and from the corner of her eyes, she sees his blonde partner drop to the ground instantly.

Aubrey yelps in fear, staring at the blonde-haired man's body which lies lifelessly on the ground. She can feel her heart get caught up in her throat as she witnesses all of this. Tears start to fill her eyes from the intense fear and discomfort.


She snaps her head back to the dark-haired man with the thick voice.

"I've been searching centuries for you, Aubrey. My brother sure did a fantastic job in hiding you away from me." He chuckles under his breath, comfortably moving round the kitchen as he checks out her small utensils like he owns the place.

Her eyes widen, hearing him speak. She doesn't want to understand what he is trying to say, she just wants him and his creepiness to leave. Her eyes glances over at the knife on the sink. Mustering up the courage, she reaches for it and points it in his face.

In schools, the teachers teach how to handle a robbery by staying calm and not provoking your robber. But Aubrey cannot stay calm in this situation; she tries to fight for the safety of her home and herself. 

"Stay away from me!" She yells at the man casually leaning on the counter table, playing with a blue flower vase in his hands.

From Aubrey's view, he looks too young to be breaking and entering. He is probably the same age as her or a little older. She makes that conclusion despite hearing how manly and deep his voice is.

Trying to ignore the laying man on the floor of her living room, she slowly backs up—she isn't sure about what's happening; why he suddenly fell to the ground and why the dark-haired is doing this. Can all this be an act to scare her until she willingly gives them the toaster? They are here for the toaster; can't they grab it and leave? It is right in front of him, that will be much better than scaring her till she gets a heart attack.

He straightens up and begins moving closer to her with a solemn look on his face.

"Don't come anywhere nearer." She threatens with livid eyes, wielding the knife in her hands. She has to show no sign of fear to survive this— letting him see how scared she is will make him take advantage of her.

He smirks at the knife in her hands, "That won't hurt me."

Aubrey frowns, giving the knife a look then she looks back at his smirk. "You better take a step back, I'm not afraid to use this." She really will stab him if she needs to.

Then he smiles at her, "Don't do that," He whispers. "That would make me very mad." 

He takes a step forward, reaching to grab the knife. He starts to gently pull it out of her hands and she stares dumbly; unable to move. 

It is as though she is paralyzed staring into his dark eyes as he effortlessly takes the knife out of her hands. 

He chuckles at the bread knife in his hands before throwing it to the far corner of the kitchen. It causes Aubrey to squirm at the noise it makes once it hits the ground. 

She tries to make a move of escape but her legs won't move no matter how hard she tries. Eyeing him once more, she sucks in air and screams at the top of her lungs, "Help! Please somebody help me! I'm being robbed, somebody help!"

After yelling with her energy, her face scrunches up seeing the calm smile on the lips of the pale man.

"That's cute." He speaks in a low, husky voice as he stares intently at the flower vase. She whimpers at the quietness of the whole neighborhood even after her screams for help. "But no one will come. I put everyone in this town to sleep." He turns to stare her in the face.

She turns to the man lying on the floor. A person can't tell another to sleep and he actually sleeps, this must all be an act. More so, he sounds childish. Since he entered into her house, she has noticed something; whenever she hears him speak, her heart goes through a series of unsteady beats; which is medically impossible. Her mind can't wrap around the events of the night. 

Aubrey stares at his face with a mixture of fright and admiration. His deep-set dark eyes glisten with pure mischief, giving his whole demeanor a dangerous vibe. He has all the physical features every lady her age loves but this current situation doesn't let her fully acknowledge that fact.

"I've finally found you, Aubrey Kim. Aren't you also excited to see me?"

When she doesn't answer, his face turns darker, "Won't you answer me?" His tone immediately drops low and he moves closer in an instant, causing Aubrey to let out a short piercing scream.

She acts on instinct; she has always been quick to act out since she was a child. She can't move from her spot but she can move around it, so she takes advantage of that. In an instant, she goes down on her feet, grabbing one of the shattered glasses and aiming for his neck. But he catches her hand in midair.

Her eyes widen, thinking she has dug her grave by trying that. His jaw tightens and he pulls her closer to him until her body is flushed against his.

He begins squeezing her wrist, "Let it go."

She whimpers in pain, refusing for the first few seconds but she eventually drops the glass to the floor —a loud clattering echo filling the silent house.

He brings her palm to look at it. He makes a discontented sigh at the blood. "You ended up hurting yourself instead."

She forcefully detaches her hand from him, "You freak." She curses. "Get out of my house."

A small smirk appears on his lips which gives him a more mischievous aura. Aubrey is on edge watching his smirk grow wider as he stares into her eyes. She holds her breath, afraid to make a single move that will cause him to act out. He begins taking small steps around her; walking from her front to her right before stopping behind her, as he watches her body shake in fear. 

Aubrey tenses up when she feels his breath fan her neck from behind. He feels his smooth skin graze her left cheek and she shivers. 

"Don't be too quick to call me a freak, when you haven't met the rest of us." He whispers in her ear, his lips brushing it.

She shuts her eyes tight, getting uncomfortable with how close he is. "Why are you doing this?" She whispers, confused by the words that spills out of his mouth. "Please leave."

He ignores her, moving his face closer to her neck, trying to get her scent. "You smell of chocolates." There is dead silence after his words are said and different thoughts run through their minds. "But I prefer strawberries."

He pulls away all of a sudden to give her a once-over then moves back to play with the blue vase on her countertop.

For the next few seconds, he just stares at her with no expression on his face. He keeps looking at her face from the counter-where he is-like he is memorizing every detail on her face. On a normal day, Aubrey would be flattered by a breath-takingly handsome man taking his time to intensely study her features, but this moment only makes her whimper.

"You're right, I better leave before my brother finds out I'm here." He speaks. "I won't touch you just yet, Aubrey. But—" He gives her a skeptical look as if he is unsure about something.

Then suddenly the lights turn off, leaving everywhere pitch-black. She lets out a scream, reaching for the light switch.

"—I'll be back." A low voice whispers in the dark.

Immediately the lights turn back on, she scans her apartment; he is gone, the door is shut, there's no blonde-haired man lying on the floor and it's almost like she imagined it all except for the flower vase in a different position, the little cut on her palm and her kitchen shelf missing a toaster.