Ball gods-


The atmosphere is quiet and cool in her apartment and Aubrey can hear her thoughts loud and clear. She sits still on the couch, staring at the blank tv with her legs folded up. The plain white envelope sits beside her at the end of the couch but she dares not give it a glance.

To attend their get-to-together where every being is an immortal? She will not go.

Connor invited her to the ball but Kai happens to have invited her also. He kept on speaking about an invitation coming to her that will lead her to Groom-vine Street, presently that invitation is seated beside her and it makes her choke in fear. At her very first proper interaction with the god, he had invited her to Groom-vine Street where would be given her toaster but she never was unable to get there because of his half-brother.

Now, the half-brother himself has invited her there.