A yawn escapes her lips which causes her employer to shoot her a glare. She immediately puts herself together, leaning off the desk and standing upright while she blinks her eyes repeatedly.
"Okay kids, that is all for today!"
She snaps her eyes to the swim instructor standing by the pool as he addresses the kids. Her eyes travel down his features but they focus more on his face, observing his bright smile directed towards the kids. In only his blue shorts, his wet blonde hair and water dripping down his defined chest, he looks like a model but then when you take a look at the bright smile on his face, you think he is such a humble and gentle soul. However, after two weeks of working with him, Aubrey knows he is nothing like the act he puts up in front of customers.
"I'll be leaving first, make sure you clean up and close up once it's time, Aubrey." Her boss standing in the control room with her says.