willing to let him go

AUBREY DOESN'T RESPOND TO LIAM as she is preoccupied with watching her brother's facial expressions change rapidly. The atmosphere drops cold and silent and then Liam takes that as a hint to leave the two in the nurse's office.

Once he leaves, Aubrey doesn't notice and she doesn't care. She sits closer to Brady's bed with her hands holding his right hand tightly, noticing how warm they have gotten. About some minutes ago, they were freezing cold so it gives Aubrey hope tht he is actually getting better as Liam had said.

She then leans closer to place her ears against his chest to hear the steady beating of his heart and to feel his calm breathing. A small smile forms on her lips as tears fill her eyes then she takes her seat back, moving away from her brother. She seats patiently with her eyes on him as she waits for him to wake— anyone could see the hope and relief sparkling in her eyes. 

However, after half an hour, Brad still doesn't wake up.