Moving to the Center of the City, the Gangs React

The attack on the base was a swift and fierce one. Shadow and the others held nothing back and slaughtered the many gang members with incredible efficiency and speed. With Wolf making a hole in the wall next to the basement entrance, the prisoners were able to immediately get out. The sentries and guards who were outside were the first ones to be taken down by Reign while Shadow and the rest focused on the riflemen who were atop the towers or at the windows.

Even though the destruction of an entire base would soon be found out, which would alarm most of the city, Reign and the others didn't care. Their plan was to immediately head to the center of the city and go inside the building in which the Butcher resided. They knew that they had to be fast, from the conversation that Reign and the others managed to overhear in the tower, they knew that the Butcher was planning to start drinking the potions tonight before starting the evolution.