Meeting ‘The Butcher’

The many gangs of the city all received the information about what was happening, but all of the heads, every single one out of the 10, said the same thing, don't make a move.

That left all the gangs flabbergasted, they didn't understand just why the heads would tell them not to do a thing when they were getting invaded by an enemy for the first time. Some had even believed that something was wrong, perhaps the heads wanted to allow the enemy to take down the Butcher so that they could rule the city, but if that was the case, why wouldn't the heads join hands and do the same?

Still, the bosses of the gangs complied with their orders, as confusing as they may be. The heads all returned to their places and got their groups ready, but they weren't going out.

"Boss, are you sure of this?"

"Yes, once the enemy gets in the building, we move." One of the heads said as he sat on a large sofa.