The System’s Origin: Answers Leading To More Questions

"So you're saying that everything we do has already been done by the system, it manipulated us?"

"Not quite, the system will nudge you in the direction it believes is the best for you, it will give you missions and challenges that it believes will be the most beneficial to improving yourself, not only with rewards and leveling up but also tempering your psyche."

"And don't get me wrong, it's not as if the system is manipulating and controlling every person, your actions are your own, and the way you decide to do things is also your own choice, but yes, the weird coincidences you have already noticed happening around you are all because of the system."

"The fact that there are so many pioneers in one small place in the world, the fact that all areas around you seemed perfect for you guys to go to and level up, even the challenges and the two worlds you were sent, it is all because the system wanted you to go there and experience what it has to offer."