A Tier V Evolution and the Burrial

Reign nodded his head before getting up from the ground. Laura was close to finishing her evolution as well, and he was planning on waiting for her.

[ The player has successfully passed the evolution and reached Tier V, congratulations to the player. ]

[ Player has enough exp to level up ]

[ Level up! ]

[ Current player level is 401, additional stats gained ]

[ Free Attribute points + 20 , Strength + 5, Agility + 5, Endurance + 2,  Vitality + 1, Willpower + 2, Spirit + 5 ]

Level: 401 ( 1 000 / 2 400 )

Class: Magic Swordsman / ? (more info in the class menu)

Race: Nephilim (more info unavailable )

Attribute points: 20

Strength: 7 805 (15 527) (+ 24% from ability, + 75% from items) 

Agility: 8 055 (17 479) (+ 32% from ability, + 85% from items)

Endurance: 7 102 (9 872) (+ 14% from ability, +25% from items)

Vitality: 7 101 (9 870) (+ 14% from ability, , + 25% from items)