Iscandar vs. Avargan: The Immense Power of the Golden Pride

"Every single time you speak of fate, of your destiny, of what you believe in, Avargan."

"It makes me sick, makes me want to vomit in sheer annoyance that I feel."

"Such words are the words of a weakling, a person that was not fit to rule, was not talented enough to take the throne, a man so deep into his own delusions that he cannot comprehend that he was simply not good enough," Iscandar said as he calmly stared at Avargan whose body trembled out of anger.

"Let me show you, what it means for a man to be strong, confident, to believe in himself and his own capabilities that nothing else truly matters to him."

"Use everything you have, I will not even get to strike once to defeat you."

Iscandar took a step forward, getting closer to Avargan.