Betrayal, the True Mastermind

The circle activated, and suddenly, Iscandar was gone.

He was teleported.

Behind Avargan, right in the center of where the ritual was supposed to take place, inside the grand formation that was created, a figure appeared, suspended in the air.

"Hahahahahahahaha!" Avargan laughed maniacally as he glanced at Reign and the others with a vicious smile on his face.

They all felt shivers go down their spines at what happened.

"I told him that his arrogance will be his undoing."

"I knew that I could not fight against that bastard, I knew that he was simply too powerful for me, even with the formation, but he never expected that the formation was actually not made to make me powerful enough to face him, but to trap him!"

"Now, the ritual shall truly begin, the flesh and the soul of that man will be the offering for the angels, and they shall bless me upon receiving the body and soul of a fateless bastard!"