Phantom Deception

Reign's heart skipped a beat as he realized what was happening. This wasn't just any ordinary spy; the thing that was hugging him was a phantom, a creature created from soul power and controlled by somebody.

"Soul Phantoms aren't easily made, they need quite some patience, as well as a lot of soul power for one to be created, but they can be saved up, after making one, you don't need to use any soul power or mana for them to continue existing."

"Placing this one on the spy, it seems whoever had sent him had also done their homework, they are blocking your attempts to manipulate him via the phantom and might have even gone as far as to change the poor bastard's memories, implanting fake ones ever since the phantom had been around him."

Aethion sighed as he spoke, allowing Reign to be aware of what the thing around the spy was.