Player Meeting: Gabriel's Memory

"Well, come on, tell us what's going on."

"Yeah, if you have gathered all of us like this, then it can't be good."

"It's been a while since we were all gathered like this though."

"First time for me."

The underground area of the building that Reign and the others owned was packed with people, all of them talking to each other or talking to Reign and the others who were standing in front of the entire crowd.

"Boss, just tell us what's going on, we'll do our best to help you out!" A young and charismatic voice said from the middle of the crowd as some of the older residents of Doncaster, players who had been with Reign and the others nearly since the inception of the territory, chuckled.

"The kid has a point, no matter what it is, we're ready to help," Neil said as he stared at Reign and the others, the boyish demeanor he had a long time ago when the territory had just been made almost entirely gone.