2. Cultures and expectations

I will say - or I may ask, which culture is the most strict when it comes to upbringing a family? Yes strong aspirations linger on your mind. When I grow up I wanna be an accountant, I wanna be a programmer, I wanna be a mechanic, I wanna be a ... I don't know... I was still living in a world where my Prince Charming one day was to come on a white horse galloping all the way here from the far far far land west where the sun dances every time it rises up and where the moon patiently prepares for her night flirting with the stars and any quick comet that may just pop up from their long travel from the infinity and beyond. Crap I've been watching too much 'Toy Story'

My mind was still on Anime, yes my Prince Charming was to come for me and together we where to run up and down hills under the cheeky chubby smiling sun. The warm breeze was gently massaging the tall grass hiding our skinny long bodies, my hair gently waving to the warm breeze and his black straight hair being interrupted by the sudden change of temperature. Fluffy clouds cover the sun causing the sudden change on the way the tall grass mark the new direction all other living plants were to stretch to touch the sun. My mind wonders as I lay on my bed. Staring at the ceiling, I cross my legs and I put my arms under my head, being cushioned to prevent any bad position on my neck. Unaware of what future May bring, I drifted of to sleep, embarked to Lala land. No stops, No delays.