3. A great good life

Pinto wakes me up- as usual, at sunrise. This time, the warm breeze embraced everyone in the Finca- a farm where coffee, cane sugar, potatoes snd healthy life was praised. My brother DRIGO- the younger of the sibilinos woke up earlier eagerly waiting for me to plan the next mischievous exploring tour we could go through the jungle, fighting gods and monsters, climb big canopy treetops and saving humanity from the hands of evil forces. Yes, we were invencible. Our. Weapons, bamboo poisonous arrows, Granada's and long range riffles, we were the best commando in the world!

Our transport Shadow and Milo our best devoted horses transported us through all the fired ignited fields of the south hemisphere, we've dragons ate and dismembered humans with no mercy and celebrated it with aguardiente.