15. Big Day

After 3 years of talking back and forth with my brother, he found a way to go to what it was 'our promised land'. Tons of paperwork and meetings at the consulate offices, the start of the nightmare went on.

It did not went hand on hand with what it was happening down at the promised land.

Down on the greener side the only threat we're the cold freezing winters or maybe the super humid scorching summers.

Here, I survived a kidnapping, car bomb, riots, robbery, earthquakes.


What could've been worst?

Survival skills at the most

U are forced to live no matter what

Every day survival was the norm

Looking back at it I still think how the heck I could see the day lights the next day.

One phone call from my brother.

'Get ready - soon you are going to receive a phone call from the embassy.

Make sure you sign the papers and go to the interview.

Why now?

I finally landed a great job - I was being needed by many advertising designer companies and my work as an independent graphic designer took off.

I got scared and worried.

My mom was happy.

No more worries

No more terrorist attacks

No more u stable economy