16. How, Who, How Many

This was a big move. New adventure. Unknown destination. All we knew was what my brother told me, thru his eyes eve thing was perfectly fine. We were young. We will catch up very easy.

Even the change of weather will not affect us.

We come from a warm country- no problem!

I was pretty sure that where we were going was winter, lots of snow, like the Christmas movies, no beaches. WHAT?

Yes, no beaches

I grew up in the coast side of the country.

I got used to eat sea food, an alternative for the height cost of food, specially red meat. Ceviche was my favourite as sand as calamari, fried fish. Later on I was introduced to sushi.

Sushi was added to my list

Thank Japanese cuisine.

Thank sashimi


I knew the food diversity was greater than what I knew, it blew my mind.

As of today, I'm still to try and expose myself to new unknown dishes and delicacies.

I love this!

Never ending possibilities!

All at reach.