Chapter 4: Encounter

The "wolf" has 8 eyes and three tails. It is heavily armored with chitin growing all around it. The eyes themselves look more insectoid than mammal. The supposed mouth does not have teeth or a jaw, but rather has mandible and opens up in four ways to show sharp "teeth" inside. A strange, alien sound is heard from the beast. The creature itself is prowling at 10 feet tall and 16 feet in length from "nose" to butt. The tails itself are composed of what looks like chitin covered smaller tails No fur is actually seen on the creature and then it looks at E.L.H.

It pauses, perhaps to think, then it starts to run at E.L.H.

The HUD in E.L.H announces

"Hostile combatants encountered.

New objective: Defeat the creature and protect Anna.

Combat mode engaged.

Combat module unavailable."

Switching to reactionary combat measures."

Almost at once, the mutated wolf is half way to E.L.H.

Instantly E.L.H. pulled out 3 weapons. On the left hand is a large blade, being at least 3 feet wide and 4 feet long. It is thicker and wider than most blades, perhaps made for deflecting and jabbing rather than slicing and slashing. Under that is a cannon barrel of a feet in diameter. The hands themselves are put away into the arm. On the right is a lance, 4 feet in length and 2 feet in width. The HUD announces to E.L.H.

"Impact ammunition unprimed, prepare for CCC"

The wolf pounces on E.L.H. almost knocking it down, but E.L.H. rotates enough as to push it off it is shoulder. The wolf quickly turns and snaps its jaws at E.L.H.'s head, but E.L.H. dodges to the left and jabs an uppercut with the blade into the wolf's upper ribs. The force of impact causes the wolf to stagger slightly backwards, but it gets back into a stance. Now seeing E.L.H. as a dangerous foe, it waits a little before pouncing once again, this time aiming for the arms. Warily snapping its jaws it tries to grab ahold of any of the arms. E.L.H. dodges and weaves, countering the bites with quick slices and bashes with both the side of the blade and the lance. The wolf, taking a chance, lunges deeply. It is sweep aside by E.L.H.'s lance, but only the back end of the wolf and it grabs hold of E.L.H.'s left shoulder. It bites deeply, crushing the metal hull and with its claws, it slashes E.L.H. torso hull, tearing into and ripping the hull. On E.L.H.'s HUD, a message announces

"Impact ammunition primed and ready"

E.L.H's hand cannon fires without delay and at point blank of the wolf as the cannon is directly below it and E.L.H. arcs its arm upwards.

The wolf is sent flying over the left of E.L.H.'s shoulder, but without letting go, it rips away a major part of the left shoulder hull off of E.L.H.

The arm, still attached, is showing several wires and the "muscle" system of the shoulder.

Without delay, E.L.H. opens fire on the wolf. The wolf, though sent flying, lands on its feet and dodges a few of the initial blasts before being pushed back by the sheer volume of impact blasts. Only 10 shots in a clip, E.L.H. automatically reloads a second clip in the moment that the first clip runs out, seemly making it seem as if there was no reload. A blast to the head sends the wolf to the ground in which E.L.H. closes in and slams its blade into its upper shoulder and drives the wolf deeper to the ground with a crash. With it pinned, E.L.H. drives its lance into the wolf's head, piercing the creature's chitin shell and probable brain. The lance then extends to double its length inside the wolf and several holes open up to shoot out 6 impact blasts. The blasts tear apart the wolf's inside and it explodes in 6 directions, making piercing holes exit out of the wolf. The wolf's head and upper body are littered with holes and oozes out guts and probable blood as the color is strangely white. With that the wolf ceases to function.