Therapy Session

My alarm clock woke me up early in the morning,I got up ,made my bed,cleaned the house,bathed and did all the necessary bathing ..I made myself some strong coffee to ease my mind.. I've never been so tired ..I was mentally drained as I kept asking myself questions about why was I here in the first place..not everyone would answer me not even me, 'did I drink last night?' I thought..I mean I didn't even know how I even got to this place though I found it very relaxing "Maybe I have a temporary concussion or something" I said to myself drinking my nice hot strong coffee..working on my laptop while it rested on my lap... 'I don't even know what I'm doing' I chuckled inwardly trying to remember what happened last night or maybe what happened when I was four.. it really was a weird morning.

I closed my eyes trying to figure things out,the only thing I remembered was that my name was Theo Stanley..I worked in an IT company that it's works were mostly based on robotics...I was the manager ...but when my mind started to go beyond its reach I winced in pain while a screeching noise shouted in my brain...'Maybe it's a hangover' I thought assuring myself that I was misunderstanding the situation,I stood up after the nice coffee and put on my favorites blue jacket 'Wait,why is this my favourite jacket in the first place?' I questioned myself as if I was expecting a being named 'Answer' to answer all of these questions...I packed my briefcase and filled it with some paperwork I finished working on yesterday?

Just as I was about to walk out my phone rang 'Now who's calling me?' bored and feeling uneasy I checked my phone and found that it was my day off...I needed to go to my therapy session, "Therapy session to the rescue" I said throwing my briefcase on my sofa ....I got out of my house,called a cab and went to the address written on my calendar reminder ...I went into the building looked fancy and so modern and most awesome it looked luxurious...the chandelier shone brighter than any light source in the building...the staircase was made from shining wood..and well the guards weren't very nice...I just told the other girl from the reception that I had a private session with 'Mrs Charlotte' ? I didn't know why I even take interest in the sudden reminder from my phone...well I came this far ...I wasn't just gonna give up,the girl from the reception by the name of Cindy led me to Mrs Charlotte's room...and from the room came out a girl at the same age as me I walked in I was even dumbfounded by why the therapist was even called Mrs instead of Miss.... because the so-called Mrs Was not even close to being two years younger than me...but you could see that she was educated with that formal clothing and that business woman facial expression..she was so damn serious but she had a cute face..."'s Mr Stanley isn't it?" she broke me out of my fantasy and the world of thinking..."Oh...ah...yes it is...nice to meet you" I said trying to act as formal as I can ...literally trying my best to impress the cute girl infront of me who's only a year older than me..."What is it that you wanted to talk about?" she asked smiling at me...with those cute red lips of hers screaming 'Theo pinch me with your lips' .."Oh..ahem..I really don't know...I just woke up and found myself not knowing a single detail about my surroundings ...though...I don't know if I'm exaggerating or maybe it's reality...or maybe I'm still dreaming..." I said as I giggled..."Ouch!" I winced in pain as she pinched my shoulder "You're not dreaming Mr Stanley..all of this is real" she assured me signalling her hand for me to continue "Okay...I don't know what's really going on...or maybe I do know's just that I forgot...but since this morning I've been trying to figure out what happened's just brought me good pain in my brain" I continued telling my part of life I think..."You forgot what happened yesterday?...well I guess it must be a hangover I mean adults really do love alcohol" she giggled "I thought so too...but that's the problem..I really don't remember even a single thing about myself...except for my name and age...but as for my personality and friends ....include my past life as well on that" I rubbed my forehead not being sure with what I was really saying "Oh..this really sounds much can you remember?" she asked cracking a worried face "Well...I woke up knowing nothing but my name and well as my workplace nothing more" I scratched my chin as I talked to her "Oh... I'm afraid this only leads to one thing...Amnesia" she brushed her hair strand on the side carrying a sad face "..I'm not too surprised...I just hope I was not a bad person in my past life..." I really was surprised I just couldn't fight with instead I just sighed and walked out of the room.

Having to not remember anything at all was very unsettling but atleast I could deal with its uneasiness...but the clear Amnesia answer was just too much...maybe I had been knocked on the head...maybe it was just a concussion,I mean that explains the pain in my head when I'm trying to think of something.