I didn't want to freak out so I just had to keep myself calm , I went outside the building and took in all that had happened so far in this small day because I didn't expect this to happen even though the present and the past weren't clear.
I walked in circles around my driver's car to ease my mind to think more better and make these things much more clearer , so far I have been doing nothing but act crazy eventually making me go insane. And just as I opened the door to my driver's car I heard hurrying footsteps toward my way and when I glanced back the therapist was running in her high heels , I carried a worried face even though I didn't notice it "Hey" Charlotte said with her hands grasping tightly on her dress and somehow I could feel the pain she felt though I didn't even know why she was feeling sad all of a sudden "Theo I'm just curious and at the same time sad , are you sure that you don't remember anything" she lifted her head to look at me with her beautiful eyes starring into mine but I couldn't shake off the fact that I felt some connection with her , her tears fell from her cheeks my mind told me to move and give her a big hug and assure her that I was going to get back my memories soon but I couldn't because it was just too unfair , I mean if I didn't know her why act so intimate with her.
I tried to act tough and solemn about all of this but my body kept rejecting these feelings I wanted to control instead they wanted the girl infront of me , since my own body rejected my own movements I approached the girl and put my hands on her shoulders and awkwardly I was feeling nervous so I just said what my feelings wanted me to say "Uhm , sorry I don't remember you but it's not like this is permanent I'm sure I'll be able to get my memories back" I put on a smile that instantly hurt my cheeks 'oww' I cried inwardly and oddly enough I wanted my assurance to be a complete success , after a few moments she stopped crying and wiped the tears from eyes sobbing whilst it made her shoulders go up and down slightly by the sobbing 'Since he doesn't remember me I musn't take advantage of him I want him as the real Theo ' she thought inwardly before she put her hands on mine and took them off her shoulders holding onto them tightly "I really hope you do regain your memories" she said not letting go of my hands like she was reluctant to even let me leave so I didn't pull them instead I just left them in her soft warm hands "I really hope you do" her voice trembled but still she kept her composure trying to act tough on me.
She then let go of my hands and took a step forward towards me letting me fall into her arms , oh of course she was still sad and hurt so I put my hands around her and she tightened her hug killing me without noticing. Silence washed out all the noise and I could only hear her heart beating fast and her body's warmness as her breasts pressed onto my chest , I've enjoyed the hug so far and it felt like it had been a hundred years since I yearned for her arms yet I didn't show any concern and hid the feelings from being reality and after some time she let go and opened my car door for me 'Wait , didn't I leave this car closed?' though as if she read my mind she replied blissfully with a cheerful smile yet the sadness and guilt was still lingering in her mind and soul "Don't worry even though you don't remember me I still remember that you always forget to close a car" she giggled , I went in my car and she closed it for me like I was some kind of a teenage girl going to a prom with my 'boyfriend' but what could I say because I couldn't just Rob the girl her happiness and add more salt to her inner wounds so I just smiled at her "Thanks for letting me explain my situation" I said with an awkward smile that actually gave off a weird aura to it that affected me more than it affected her "No worries Theo , my doors are always open for you and if you need anything just call me, here are my numbers make sure you call me I still want the doctors to check if it's a concussion or real amnesia" she said leaning over the car window , with that all being said and done my car driver arrived after leaving his 'parcel' in the toilet , I waved goodbye to her and she did the same.
When I got home I opened the door and jumped on the couch to take a quick nap , after thinking about a lot of things I finally closed my eyes and in a few minutes pictures started filling my head although it felt real it was actually a dream , these pictures were my memories but I felt like they weren't much because most of them were like one memory attached together to make it look like a few block of clips like behind the scenes in cinema whereby the movies are projected using tiny pictures that are attached together to make a running video mostly like a gif.
Right now all these clips were in my head and I could recall a few of the things that happened a long time ago but not yesterday which was kind of weird , without even realising my body was being sucked out of the dream and I panicked but since it was a dream I immediately woke up with a little sweat over my forehead and an u pleasant pain screeched "Damnit" I held my head tightly as the screeching got louder and louder by the second increasing the pain but as time passed the pain eventually subdued and left me there sweating buckets still in pain but not the one I felt a few minutes ago. I stood up and made a bath to wash off the sweat, afterwards I dried myself and ate my own homemade dinner and I was proud of myself because it was my first time cooking? whatever.