I didn't think it was funny but she saved me from the girl who was getting on me , so it was fair to just make fun of me when I deliberately entered this place .. now that she was here I felt a little bit safe but wait what was she doing here again , she walked up to a random table where a few men in their formal clothing sat and to my eyes they seemed like important figures and I was right because most of the time people coming in would greet them in a respectful way. Charlotte stood beside him with a serious face "Sir here's your phone .. you left it at my hotel yesterday after our session" although she might've not noticed it but I did .. the man she was talking to gave her lustful glances and his gentle smile didn't look like a smile to me infact it wasn't a smile it was a grin .. when he saw me he gave me an uninterested look with his eyebrows slightly facing down , I couldn't react to his facial remarks in his territory because if I did I would end up in a big mess. Charlotte then turned around slowly and the men looking at her focused their eyes somewhere behind her and if I was not mistaken a few of them tried reaching their hands at that 'spot' before the man she was speaking to grabbed her wrist "Hey Charlotte why don't you stay and have a drink with us" Argh his smile gave me the creeps yet his words sounded so soft and gentle like his lust wasn't even there , I expected her to slap him after grabbing her so unmanly but she did what I didn't expect her to do .. she sat with them .. well I didn't know her reasons but at least she was fine so I took an empty table right behind the men's table and ordered a grape soda again hoping the girl from before to not pounce on me , I drank the soda when the waiter gave it to me until it's very last drop and looking at Charlotte now she wasn't comfortable with these guys yet she sat there drinking a cocktail.
My eyes fixated at her for a while until she stood up fixing her gathered and flared skirt walking out of the group but just as she walked out on them the man grabbed her wrist again and this time Charlotte showed him an uninterested face "Woman , come sit with us .. let us treat you well" he pulled her closer into his chest before laughing with his friends .. and now that nobody was around where only two tables were occupied mine and theirs .. I hoped for the barman to show up and save the princess from them but alas this wasn't a movie no one was gonna act hero today , it didn't last a minute until I heard her shaky voice and her pleading voice .. to be frank I just wanted to walk up to them and ask for her back but now they were going too far .. well they might say rape is a crime but with these guys rape was just sex between two partners. When I saw his hand reaching under her skirt I boiled with anger and stood up walking up to them in hurrying steps "Uhm hey gentlemen can I talk to Charlotte please?" I rubbed the back of my head and looked at the teary eyes of my therapist .. surely they could be kind enough to consider my request I mean if I had a phone and recorded their doings they would just hand her over to me but instead they looked at me with mocking expressions before one of them said "Hey kid Charlotte says she wants to stay with me for the night you got a problem with that..?" oh great now they were just showing me how ruthless they were by telling me they were going to 'share' her .. I would've said no I got no problem with it but hell they were harassing a woman so stuttered "I .. I" before I finished one of them who sitting in a chair close to me said "Hey guys I think we got a broken 'record' here .. what are you trying to say little man .. you don't even have to answer us you don't have the power to bargain with us .. and I'm going to have to rephrase what my friend just said .. this ain't a question mate this is a fact .. and she's not going anywhere" the others around started laughing whilst the one that was holding Charlotte stayed quite and serious ..
I almost punched the guy in the face but I stopped myself by calming down .. sure I was a coward but being a coward even when a woman is in need it doesn't make me a coward anymore it just proves that I'm more of a monster that they are "Gentlemen .. please it's urgent .. I" without letting me finish the one close to me stood up with a bottle of whiskey in his hand "Kid scram you're ruining our fun here" I didn't know how I got the balls from but I just felt my hands pushing the guy down on his seat and soon all of them stood up except for the one holding onto Charlotte .. when I saw them advancing towards me I took wide steps back and now the man holding onto Charlotte pushed her with force on the L shaped couch he was sitting on .. when she saw me she was scared I don't know for who and I didn't care because I was occupied .. "Boy you dare push me back" the man with the whiskey rushed in hurried steps at me before punching me in the stomach and soon all of them joined in and gave me a few kicks in the face and punches in the stomach hurting me internally .. for some reason I could feel something or energy flowing in my veins as I blocked the attacks with my forearms .. although the energy was amazing my vision was blurry and I could feel the pain from the scratched and wounds they have caused on my body , suddenly as if I had received a buff I grabbed the leg of the man who was holding the whiskey in his hand and twisted it causing him to shout in pain as he crashed into one of the tables behind him .. I tried doing the same thing to the other guys but their cautiousness was on high alert giving me heavy and painful kicks that I started coughing blood .. my ears hurt and I couldn't even hear them laughing anymore as the world around me started testing and turning things into slow Mo .. I couldn't lose consciousness now when I had to save Charlotte and me so I caught one of the men's fist and pulled him down on me .. with that I blocked their kicks with him making him feel my pain .. they say sharing is caring so I was doing just that 'sharing'.
When I saw that they weren't kicking anymore I lifted my body up swiftly ignoring the sore muscles and internal organs .. I kicked the man who I pulled down on me in the face causing him to lose the teeth in the front row .. I punched another man in the stomach before lending the one close to him a leg in the face .. they groaned in pain but still I had the 'boss' of them to deal with .. he broke a glass and held it pointing it at me .. now I was feeling hopeless .. it was a weapon against fists come on I'm not Jackie Chan I don't bend steel and metal .. but alas there was still hope as I elbowed him in the stomach and gave him a couple knuckles in his nuts .. and now he was going 'nuts' rolling all over the place .. and now for the grand finale I tripped the guy who was holding the whiskey and stabbed him with the bottle into his other leg but now I place right into his knee cap I even turned and twisted it just to make sure it was still in there .. Charlotte was sitting there with her hands covering her mouth and her cheeks full of tears flowing .. although I didn't stain anything with blood I was a bloody mess.
She ran up to me and gave me a big hug before checking I was okay .. I was like girl I almost had a handshake with angel Michael .. although my body was sore I was able to move freely but cautiously .. I took off the shirt I was wearing underneath my jacket and wiped the blood off my face before throwing it in the trash can outside the bar .. she wrapped her slender arm on my hips balancing my movements , we took a shortcut but when we were about to take a turn I saw a cliff so we went to check it out and what we saw on top of it was beautiful .. it was a city bathing in beautiful lights "What a scenery" she mumbled.