Need Help


Inside a dark room. Jacob got up from the ground in pain, After jumping out of the building with the ant. Jacob was under the ants and fell to the ground. He dug himself from underneath and covered his tracks above.

After digging for some more he eventually fell through the ground and into another dark room. Where he was now groaning in pain, "When will I ever feel safe". Jacob was tired of being chased, but it was partly his fault for being in his predicament.

He eventually got up from where he was looking around. He was in a room, it was beautiful architecture and would be deemed luxurious by someone else's standards. It had just enough very little lighting but it was just enough.

"I hope there is nothing here that wants to kill me. '' Jacob was cautious with his surroundings, he ended up walking around to look for anything that interested him. After minutes of walking around, a voice called out to him.

"Please, I haven't eaten in forever. Give me something to eat".

Jacob turned around quickly and raised his guard. He didn't know what kind of danger he might be in but he was not taking any chances.

"Who's there!" Jacob shouted but he heard no response for a little while until the voice said "Is someone there? Help me", Now Jacob started to sense that the voice was in distress.

"Where are you? Why are you here?"

"Over here, I'm trapped!" the voice called out, Jacob figured out the direction it was from and he went over there. He walked toward the end of the room where he found a prison-like cell. "Are you in there?" Jacob slowly walked toward them as he asked.

"Yes! Yes, help me please, I'm tied up" the voice shouted out once more. Jacob looked into the cave closer and he soon saw a man stuck to the wall.

"Who the hell are you?" Jacob could see the man was rather skinny. He was taller than Jacob and looked dirty, he was in some rough clothing and his hair looked dirty. His expression was a mix of desperate and hopeful.

"Please help me. I just need something to eat. I feel like I'm gonna die!" the man sounded in distress. "Try and pick the lock, just please don't leave me here"

"Do you have anything you can give me?" Jacob asked this as a test to see how he would react. "I can tell you where the Queen's breeding ground is… I even have a Super Rare Rank long knife, just please help me"

"Fine", Jacob was satisfied but still watched him closely. He walked toward the cell and placed his hands in the bars. He pulled the iron and bent them to the sides. The man was shocked "Y-you are a warrior!"

"I'm not, I'm no one, I live with nature" Jacon simply said, he didn't want to give the man the wrong impression. The man looked like he wanted to say something but didn't then shout "Please, just help me, I will do anything".

"Give me the knife you have first" Jacob demanded. The man looked at Jacob like he was some kind of madman then he sighed, "Fine, It over there just dig a couple of inches down and it's right there".

Jacob looked where the man pointed with his eyes and then dug up the weapon. It had a slight curve and was beautiful silver. It fit comfortably in his hand.

"Please help me now, help me" The man urged, Jacob took one slash of the fine and burst through the vicious entrapment around his body. The man fell onto his knees.

"Thank you, sir, I don-"

"Don't talk, tell me who you are and why you're here", Jacob held the knife right to his throat and asked in a threatening tone.

"Please, Don't be too rash. I can tell you anything you want. I'm helpless.

"Answer my question", Jacob rested the knife on his neck. "Fine! I'm Enroy, I come from a decent sized family, but they were not Segan. Some years ago I was looking for something for My next invention when I was attacked by some Super Class Ants. I'm not strong and they took me here and forced me to make this place for them. The Queen understood my work and she shared it with the other ants.

She keeps me locked up so I don't go anywhere. She even made me build this cell so I don't go anywhere but she has her goons stick me on the wall with that stuff just to make sure I didn't build a faulty prison so I could escape. One day she rushed out of here and I haven't seen her since. You have to believe me".

Jacob lowered his weapon, he believed what he told him. "Tell me about the Queen's breeding chambers, what's so good about it?".

'Well it's where the queen lays the egg and the future of the colony, The Queen is the only one that can breed".

"That's it?" Jacob wasn't impressed. "Well, it is a delicacy that not many people have because it's challenging for some people to come by" Enroy explained.

After he said that there was an awkward stomach growl.

Jacob thought then said "Fine take me there, you can eat one of the eggs there, you can eat one of them"

"Wait, I don't think we can"

"I'm not your friend here, You should just do as I say" Jacob pointed the knife at Enroy and he reluctantly complied. Enroy led them to a large door where he opened it using some kind of code. The door blew off steam and opened.

"You walk first" Jacob poked Enroy in the back with the long knife. He walked forward through the tunnel. "I haven't done anything to him why is he treating me like this?"Enroy was displeased with his treatment, but he held his tongue. They walked through the tunnel slowly and cautiously, without any troubles until they were finally reached the other end.