Day After

Jacob passed away in the tree where he slept. A soft feeling continuously probed about his hand. The feeling was damp but it was not enough to wake him. Jacob stayed there until he felt a sharp nip on his finger.

"Fuck! spooked me out...damn" Jacob was jolted out of his sleep. He saw the larvae looking startled at his outburst. It took a minute for him to come to but he eventually did.

"How long have I been sleeping?" Jacob wondered, It was mid-day, the day after he fell asleep. He was physically exhausted and wasn't able to stay active much longer.


< Untreated wounds result in passive damage >

< Body Nourishment Needed >


Jacob sighed as he saw the prompts flash in front of his face. He looked to his wounds that still looked fresh were bleeding. "Wrapping this will be a pain, my body is too weak to heal fatal injuries I need to be more careful".

Jacob had mostly flesh wounds and bruises. Luckily it never seems too dangerous.


Name: Jacob Shepherd

[Universal Rank: Infant Stage]

[Cosmic Energy Level 0.0/100%]

[Forgings: 2/10+]

[Damage: 298%]

[Lifespan: 4 years]

[Mentality: 75Hz+]


He continued to take damage every second he let his wounds bleed. Jacob moved into his bags and shuffled out one of the Ant's eggs that he plundered from the Queen's nest. He xerts down a few of them and they are quickly absorbed by his body.

Jacob looked at his wounds and watched the blood clot in front of his very eyes. He was surprised to see something like that happen before his eyes. The nutrients from the eggs were broken down instantly and flowed through his body.

Jacob body suddenly felt a little better and his wounds hurt less. "Well, I guess that proves my body needs copious amounts of nutrition to function, I need to start finding a lot more nutritious foods to eat. Maybe I should keep an eye out for more eggs. The eggs of the Queen Ant were all common class beasts. Lying that many super creatures were unheard of.

Only a few Major ants were the size of superclass creatures, though that was because they were born to fight and defend against intruders. Then the super creature egg..." Jacob rummaged through his backpack and finally, he pulled out a round golden egg. The egg was the size of his fist. It reflected all the light that fell upon it like a mirror.

"I wonder how much nutrition the Queen's egg would give me," He wondered. All of Jacob's immediate problems would be solved if he ate it, but he struggled to make his decision. He bled for it and believed it would be better to allow it to hatch.

Finding out how much nutrition a superclass egg would give him would have to wait another day. He climbed to his feet after placing the Queen's egg in his bag. He rushed the blood off his hands in the nearby pond.

Jacob looked at his reflection for a moment in time. Jacob was used to himself looking skinny and malnourished, after his body was crippled he became really skinny. His face had a lot less wrinkles and bags, which made him wonder about something.

Jacob went to his bags and scooped up some more ant eggs. He swallowed them one after the other and he saw his face became slightly less old and tired looking. The digestion process slowed dramatically because his body needed something more nutritious, but it was interesting to see that the nutrition affected every part of his body.

"Wait….no, but surely…...but it might….maybe I should'' Jacob fought with himself internally for a while. Slowly, He peeked into his boxers and stared intently. He wasn't able to judge if his genitalia had grown, but it looked to be about average the way it is now and that was the best-case scenario after being crippled.

"Maybe If I eat continuously it can grow more" Jacob couldn't help his masculine desires. He wished his manhood would grow the more he ate nutriments. It was still too early to write it off so he decided to make a mental note of its current size for future reference.

He washed up in the pond and rinsed his clothes. After they were dry they started to leave the area. Jacob lifted his makeshift bag with everything he held valuable to him. As he lifted his bag, the little termite larva quickly climbed onto his backpack.


The little termite larvae were still following Jacob. "Your mother is probably turning in her grave, all your brothers and sisters are dead, You should go look for a better life." Jacob felt slightly guilty for the loss of the other termite larvae siblings. Jacob didn't want to lead this one to death, it was best getting bigger and stronger in the wild.

The little one looked aloof to Jacob warnings, it snuggles up on the bag waiting for it to be carried. "Damn Greaseball" Jacob reached out to the larvae to put him somewhere safe while he continued his journey.

The ant burrowed into Jacobs bag, soon it came up with a small gene core that was in Jacobs bag. The little thing seemed to be happy chewing on the gene core.

Jacobs shook his head at the sight. "Well if you're willing to risk your life for some gene cores, knock yourself out." Jacob hauled his bag onto his back and moved through the thick forestry of the forest.

Jacob had yet to see any creatures since he travelled this far. He was weaponless in a dangerous area, although he was not sure, if he had to guess he was almost sure he was in ManBeat forest thanks to prior knowledge.

Jacobs current goal was to hopefully finish all these forgings. He planned on finding another super creature egg that he was willing to eat. It would be best if he never had to work that hard.