ked three days passed since the team became trapped by the blood-red boulder.
The hunters had been concocting a plan to leave for three days while using all their energy in trying to push it but to no avail
The constant struggle depleted their energy and made them tire very easily, causing them to lack energy.
For the life of Jacob, he couldn't feel nervous. He wondered about the durability of the bloodstone. If it was strong enough to stop a strike from the scythe. However, he was reluctant to use the scythe in any situation.
It seemed like a 'Get out of Jail free' card and would raise suspicion if he was able to break out easily. So he mostly watched the confusion that ensued.
People were furious when someone went against their plans. This process repeated over the three days they were trapped. It became increasingly clear that they could continue like this, but they already lacked the drive to try anymore.