Chapter 3

Even though he was at a party, Marvin was dressed as if he were to attend a wedding. Coming from one of the most influential families in the country, he had everyone they knew in the palm of his hand from middle school to high school.

AJ, unlike his classmates, never liked kissing anyone's ass. This had angered Marvin. He had the others testify against AJ on misconduct and had the teachers take action against him even though they knew AJ was innocent.

Inevitably, many fights had broken out between the two, with most of them having AJ get an ISS. MRJ stood on a gray area in their dispute. He definitely didn't like Marvin but thought it would be better to steer clear of his path.

When the two decided to move to Oklahoma for college, Marvin seemed to have the same idea.

AJ thought he was better off dancing with the kids at the front than confronting his arch-enemy.

"Hey, if it isn't Joestar!" Marvin smirked.

"Yes, Marvin," AJ rolled his eyes. "That is my username."

"And what brings you here?"

"Same as for everyone else," AJ scoffed. "Legs."

"Always with the sarcasm," Marvin shook his head. "What I meant was that I never took you for a party animal."

Marvin's lackeys walked up to them.

"So, the rumors are true," AJ smirked. "You don't go anywhere without your babysitters."

"Shut the fuck up!" Marvin yelled.

AJ crossed his arms.

"Hey, are you sure about having parents?" Marvin sneered. "Cos I've never seen them my entire life!"

AJ glared at Marvin but didn't say anything.

"Hey, does being a memer pay?" Marvin continued. "Well, you gotta make a livelihood someway! You know, since your parents jumped ship on your pathetic existence!"

"Unlike you, I have a father," AJ muttered.

"What did you say?" Marvin gritted his teeth.

MRJ appeared worried.

"I said it's better than living off on the money your father earned by selling illicit drugs," AJ snapped. "And I'm pretty sure he bought you at a yard sale somewhere,"

"Son of a-" Marvin turned to his lackeys to find them snickering. "What are you clowns standing around for? Give the hurt to him!"

Marvin's lackeys approached AJ. They grabbed their baseball bats from under the table.

"Ooh, I'm shaking," AJ imitated a fighting stance he had seen on a video game. "Come on, pussies! This will be a good practice!"

AJ smashed the glasses of the goon closest to him with an upper kick.

"My eyes!" he dropped the bat.

Marvin gritted his teeth.

"What the fuck are you doing?!" MRJ dragged AJ backward.

"Defending myself," AJ got testy. "It has been a while since I enjoyed a good fight."

"What?!" MRJ cried out. "You destroyed that guy's face!"

"They had it coming!" AJ tried to break free. "Don't pretend you were never annoyed by his stupid face and his stupid clothes! It's time someone put him in his place, once and for all!"

To AJ's surprise, MRJ loosened his hold on him. The music still blasted through the speakers, but none were dancing. All eyes were fixated on the ex-high school classmates.

"Get that bastard!" MRJ gave AJ a thumbs up.

"Huh, gladly!" AJ swiped the bat off the floor. "Who's next?"

Another lackey dashed toward AJ with his bat raised. AJ blocked his hit and kicked him hard in the stomach. The lackey cried out in pain as AJ pulled him by the collar and headbutted him. The lackey collapsed to the floor. AJ glared at the others menacingly.

"I'm not paid enough for this shit!" one of them yelled out.

They dropped their bats and ran away. Marvin stared after them and stomped his feet in anger.

"State-of-the-art bodyguards, my ass," he muttered.

"Huh? Did you say something, rich fart?" AJ held the bat on his shoulder. "Come on, jackass–spit it out."

"Two weeks ago," Marvin snickered. "Town square–evening,"

AJ's smirk slowly turned into a frown.

"You were there, weren't you?" Marvin sneered.

"I don't fucking care what you think you know," AJ muttered.

"No, no, no," Marvin grinned. "You were there, and that shows you cared."

AJ gripped the bat harder.

"Master Marvin," one of the lackeys interrupted their chat. "It's for you!"

He held up a phone. Marvin snatched it from his hands.

"Yes, what do ya want now?" he spoke. "What?! My dad? How did this happen?! What did we pay you clowns for?! I go away for one second, and you assholes screw up this badly?! You had one job!"

The person on the other end spoke frantically.

"Yes, I am coming!" Marvin frowned. "And you better have my ticket out of this hellhole."

Marvin threw a glance at his ex-classmate.

"And try her again!" Marvin ended the call. He sighed. "Well, Joestar," he sneered. "It seems like our little reunion has to be cut short­… for I've got bigger problems to worry about. I've seen enough of you and this pathetic world. Enjoy rotting in hell–bastard!"

AJ raised his bat, but the roommate stopped him.

"That's enough, dude," MRJ said. "Let's ditch this inane asshole."

AJ looked furious.

"Come on," MRJ insisted. "Let's get out of here before someone calls security!"

AJ lowered the bat.

"Whatever," he growled as he turned around to leave.

"Enjoy while it lasts, Joestar," Marvin frowned. "I'll be sure to raise an empire atop your bones."

"Lol–okay," AJ tossed the bat away as he walked off.