Chapter 13

"Okay, hold on!" Martyn turned to Aron. "She told you that her name's Melody. And you told yours was Jack?"

Aron and Robin nodded.

"And," Martyn said. "Three dates? You guys went on three… fucking… dates?"

"Two," Aron murmured.

"You never showed up!" Robin rolled her eyes.

"I was right about the name, wasn't I?" Aron sneered. "Robin."

"Yes," Robin looked unimpressed.

"What?!" Martyn exclaimed. "How come I never knew about this?!"

"You wanna know why?" Aron said. "Because it wasn't a real thing–that's why!"

Robin opened her mouth but failed to utter a word.

"I see," Martyn said. "So, she simply stalked you?"

"No," Aron shook his head. "For a nefarious reason, I tell you."

"Ignore him. He's always like this," Martyn faced Robin.

"It's not that-" Aron said.

"She just wanted to socialize, man!" Martyn shrugged. "You gotta stop scrutinizing everything for heaven's sake," he shook his head.

Robin remained silent.

"Hold on, you didn't recognize her yesterday?" Martyn added. "With the bino-"

"AHH!" Aron yelled as he covered Martyn's mouth.

"Mff!" Martyn appeared alarmed.

"Um, what?" Robin narrowed her eyes.

"Oops!" Martyn laughed nervously after Aron let go of him.

"Martyn, what were you saying?" Robin looked serious.

"Well-uh…" Martyn sounded reluctant. "Aron and I were looking out for survivors last night, and he-uh–kinda saw you through the second-floor window."

Aron slumped on the chair, his hand on his face.

"What?!" Robin glared at Aron.

Aron appeared scared stiff as Robin walked over to him. Before he could move, Robin pinned him down on the seat with her knee resting on his thigh. She began to shift her weight onto him slowly.

"Is that true, Jack?" Robin looked him in the eye.

Aron sat dumbfounded. He gulped.

"I am asking you a question," Robin repeated. "Is what he said true?!"

"Yes," Aron admitted. "It was an accident!"

Robin pressed her knee harder.

"You like–what you saw?"

Aron remained silent. He found it difficult to breathe.

"Is that a yes or a no?" Robin leaned in closer.

"Yes, ma'am!" Aron yelled in confusion.

Robin came to her senses. She gushed as she caught Martyn staring at them in total bewilderment.

"Uh, what am I doing?!" Robin backed away immediately.

"Yeah," Martyn frowned. "What the heck was that?!"

"I'm so sorry!" Robin apologized to Aron. "Are you hurt?"

"Yes," Aron cleared his throat. "I mean no, I'm okay!"

"Well," Robin pouted. "You deserve it! Next time you'll know better than to peep on a woman changing."

"I guess I did learn the consequences,"

"Well, anyway," Robin continued, looking red in the face. "You guys are leaving town?"

"We-" Martyn began.

"-are going to find a place, somewhere safe," Aron interrupted him. "Shit will continue going to hell if we choose to remain here."

"I see," Robin nodded. "That's for the best. Their masses might increase at any moment. It's better to keep moving."

"What about you? Got any plans?" Martyn glared at Aron for interrupting him. "If not, then–wanna join us?"

"Oh no…" she sounded reluctant. "I've got–help."

"Really?" Martyn looked surprised. "Who?"

"Friends of my father," Robin did not elaborate.

"Oh, how rude of me," Martyn slapped his forehead. "I'm so sorry–about what happened to your parents!"

"Oh, that's okay," Robin shrugged. "They are at rest now. I've buried them in the backyard."

"Oh, I'm sorry!"

"Dude, it's fine," Robin reassured. "We've all lost people. But this is no time to mourn."

"She's right," Aron looked outside through the window. "We can't stay here much longer. We need to acquire a set of wheels."

"Huh," Robin murmured. "I may have just the thing for you guys. Follow me!"

Robin turned around and walked away. The two looked at each other and shrugged. They followed her to a spacious garage. There was a car in the center of the room with a large sheet pulled over it.

"Your garage?" Martyn asked, looking around.

"I'm a bit of a grease monkey myself," Robin grinned.

Aron inspected the spare parts on the shelf.

"I want you guys to have this," Robin pulled the sheet off the car.

Aron whistled.

"What?!" Martyn freaked out. "You're kidding–right?"

"Um," Robin raised her eyebrows. "You wanted something bigger?"

"No! It's your dad's car!"

"It was," Robin pointed out.

"It's a freaking Maserati!" Martyn's eyes gleamed. "We can't take this. I mean, I can't even dream of riding a girl such as this one!"

Aron rolled his eyes.

"Well," Robin sighed. "It's gonna be a waste to have a car I worked on so much, to just sit around in the garage of an empty house!"

"You could take it with you–right?" Martyn asked.

"I don't really have a choice," Robin spoke low. "My help got their own ride. So-"

"Okay!" Martyn burst out. "Point clear, we'll take care of this beauty for you!"

"Nope," Aron shook his head. "We are not gonna do that."