New Destination

Alex could see the man's eyes looking suspiciously at the pill he had taken from his hand. He was looking inside the pill bottle, wondering if he was being duped somehow.

Alex sighed. "I have no reason to lie, brother," he said as he pulled out the badge he had been hiding in his robes. 

Pearl shuffled a little in his robes to let the badge pass through, and it came out easily, which Alex hid in his palm, only visible to the man and woman.

A bronze badge with leaves carved around the edges, and the words 'True' written on it in the center.

A True Earth Alchemist badge.

The man's eyes instantly went wide, and he dropped all sense of hostility from his body and eyes. 

Instead, he immediately cupped his hands in greeting, wincing a little when the pain in his left shoulder plate flared a bit, but he didn't let it sound through him.