Shen Jing

Alex looked at the young man in front of him with a slight curiosity in his eyes.

The man who had just appeared wore a stark white robe with almost no other colors. 

Two golden earrings hung from the side of his ears that had a circular shape with some spikes appearing out of it. Calling it a golden ball with spikes would be enough to describe the jewelry to someone.

His blonde hair cascaded down below his shoulders and ended on black tips as if that part alone was dyed for some reason.

He was most likely two-finger taller than Alex, but for some reason, Alex felt the height to be actually larger.

His fair body skin had no blemishes at all, and his constantly smiling face made him look gentle as well.

However, the most curious thing about him was that he had no cultivation base at all. Almost as if he were a mortal.