I hate you

I don't know if he will believe me. I looked at him and I couldn't see any reaction from him. His face was still the same. Cold and angry.

"I don't care. I don't care if you already have someone else. Fuck any guy you want! I'm just here for my son! I have already forgotten you anyway! I hate you!"

I felt that my heart was crushed. I wanted to cry. He hates me. He said he already forgot about me. Is there someone else? I turned around before he could see my face. I walked towards the kitchen and didn't say a word.

"I will stay here tonight. Tomorrow we'll go back home. Don't you dare argue with me. Or you won't like the consequences." He said.

Every word coming from him was like daggers piercing my heart. He's not the same Jayden from before. His eyes were cold as ice. It was emotionless.

I nodded and continued to prepare dinner. I won't argue with him anymore. I knew this day would come. I knew he would find me. I know he was mad at me.