
My heart was pounding and beating like a drum. He was yelling at me. I tilted my chin up to meet his gaze.

"What are you talking about?" I asked in a firm voice.

"Do you really think I wouldn't find out why you left?"

My eyes widened. He knew? How? I made sure he wouldn't find out about it. Did father tell him?

"You are stupid. You are a liar. You made me believe we're okay. You were already planning to run away from me for months. You didn't even try to tell me. You didn't even think about our child when you left. You're so selfish!"

It really hurts. I was used to him calling me stupid but it was always as a joke but this time it was true. He was mad at me.

"J-Jayden I-I"

"Shut up! I won't listen to any of your reasons! I wouldn't allow you to play with my feelings again!"

He turned around and walked away from me.

"Jayden please listen to me. I'm sorry. I got scared."