An angel's cry

The day of Caden's birth was getting nearer. I felt irregular contractions already and I am experiencing frequent urination and fatigue. I was getting anxious but excited.

I went to the mall to buy some baby stuff. Dr.Lane came with me and Missy. She paid for all the things I bought, declining it at first but she said she considered Caden her grandson. I was happy that I found an amazing person in my first year away from home.

We were looking around and was about to go to a restaurant, when I suddenly felt pressure on my lower abdomen. I ignored it at first, but when I felt another contraction, it was painful like a different kind of pain.

Then I felt a sudden gush of water coming and flowing out to the floor. I suddenly held on to Missy and she looked at me, confused.

"My water bag broke." I said.

Then Dr.Lane rushed towards me and called for help. Missy ran to the parking lot to get the car while some people helped me to get in it when it arrived.