Jayden's Hate

Jayden POV

After a few months, Peggy didn't come back. I cursed her everyday for leaving me. I swear I wouldn't look for her and always thought she would come back on her own. But I was wrong.

When I realized he wasn't coming back, I looked for her from dusk till dawn. She was on her seventh month now, so I was worried about the baby.

I asked Luke and all my friends to help me look for her. But we couldn't find her. They said she might have used a different name or Missy was doing something so we won't find them. She was an agent and her bodyguard after all.

Five months after she disappeared, I was getting more and more depressed. I was lonely. I felt like my heart was being torn everyday when I think of her. It was supposed to be the month we've been waiting for. She would give birth this month and is due on the twelfth.