Like those who rebel against power, against injustice, corruption, laws. Sometimes get so big they take over instead. Could be good or bad.
One can't rebel without power. One can't rebel without numbers
Even though his plan was shot down, it really is the best solution. Of course, you can go into hiding, but to live with the fear and anxiety of every day is not a way to live.
Looking at the three around him, they together with him were quite the same. Not white or black but grey. They even have a sense of justice but had to do a few bad deeds.
What would their goal be?
They can't go back to a normal life.
"I take back what I said, Ichiji, your plan was good."
In the middle of his thinking, Kihon changed her mind. She went through all the scenarios in her head, they will all die by the hand of others most likely, but the group thing was the only one that have gave them a chance to live.
A small chance.
But still, a chance.
"We need to plan this properly, to the smallest detail."
"How about gathering those who suffered from the corruption."
"Not a good chance, Ichiji. Most will end up dead, there will be a number, but a small number."
Shujinko interject. He still remembers the many close calls he had to face with his family. Living with that stress, there's a higher chance that most would rather kill themselves than be killed. And even then, those who lived probably half of them are kids that will be put in an orphanage.
"That's fine. We can still get them."
Ichiji answer with confidence.
"All we need is someone willing to invest with us. Anything will do, from a small organisation to a single thief."
"But I already told you, we don't have power."
Kihon sighed with a hand on her head. She sipped her canned coffee and looked at Ichiji's cheeky grin.
"But we do, me!"
The Shounenka tilted their head and look at Ichiji. They will admit easily, Ichiji is strong, very strong. But not as strong as All for One, that's why his organisation work, he is very strong. That's why H.P.S.C work, they have raised many strong ones.
"Well, I was created based on All for One."
He announced and jump away avoiding the three black Hydro Cannon aiming at him. Ichiji show a disgusted expression and glared at the three. They ignored the mess and stare at Ichiji,
'Saying he is based on All for One is enough to bring a good number in.'
"That will be a good start."
Kihon smiled. Just like police or other Heroes can invest in those with potential by making their road easier, criminals can invest in them too. What they need is the glue, so they need,
"A goal. We need a goal so that people can stick around."
Of course, they can say their goal is to create a safe place for others, but this will only attract weaklings. In the short run, for escaping, will be very good, but in the long run, they will suffer.
"How about, for now, is revenge against the Hero Public Safety Commission?"
"Hoh, why?"
"Because they are corrupt."
"How are they corrupt? Why?"
".....why are they corrupt?"
While Ichiji was thinking of a reason, the Shounenka were battle-ready, and was hiding behind Ichiji. Ichiji finally realized that the question for him didn't come from any of them and looked toward the voice.
It was an intimidating man with red eyes, with a mask that somewhat covered his face. His long black hair was controlled by his headband. He sports a dark combat suit, plated with metal armour with an obvious bloodstain. His hands and arms were bandaged all the way to his shoulder. Last but not least, is the blood-red katana on his hand.
Contrary to the fear, the Shounenka had, Ichiji was more concerned about his condition. As a Nomu, only two people can beat him, All for One and All Might.
"Are you alright?"
"My wellbeing is none of your concern."
The man slashes his bloody katana, splattering fresh blood everywhere. Ichiji with a quick reaction and caught it, ignoring the cut on his hand.
"Who are you? Did All for One send you?"
Ichiji felt the pressure lessened on the katana but the man's face remain scary. He answered with spite,
"I will never work for him."
The man dodges a sudden strike from Shujinko with his knife and narrowly avoid some throwing sharp cards that came from under the table. Releasing his katana the man back off but then felt a presence behind him and swiftly kick backwards clashing with Shuyo's kick. With a blade hidden in his boot, Shuyo's leg receives a slash.
More cards shot out from under the table, successfully cutting the man though, in return, Kihon receive a knife to the shoulder. Before he can recover, Shujinko attacks from the front. With no hesitation, he brought out two of his dagger and was prepared to stab the arriving fist.
He couldn't make it in time to stab as it turns out that Shuyo and Ichiji have grabbed each of his hands, preventing him from even guarding himself and was hit at his core.
The impact from Shujinko improved strength created a hole in the combat suit and knock the air out of him.
Shuyo and Ichiji continue to hold on to him as they left him there to gasp for air. Ichiji felt pity and loosen up to allow him to kneel down a bit. Saying aloud,
"I think we went too far! You alright?"
"Are you crazy! That's the Hero Killer: Stain! We could have died at any second!"
Shuyo shouts angrily and creates a ton of space, he's not deluded enough to think that they have the upper hand against Stain.
"Yes, you were foolish to let your guard down."
With his hand free, he stabbed the dagger into Ichiji's throat. However, only about 3 cm actually stabbed through. Ignoring Stain's shock, Ichiji grabbed the stabbing hand and just pulled it away. And continue talking,
"So right, if you're not from All for One, then why are you attacking us? Oh, before you start attacking again, I'm a monster that was created from multiple dead bodies, so I can't die."
Stain struggle to escape and even wanted to lick the blood the off dagger but unfortunately, Ichiji's grip was so strong that he dropped it.
"Can you let me go first then,"
"Alright sure."
Ichiji obliged happily and let go of Stain while kicking the daggers away. His guard was also ready too, to protect himself. His three ally was also closed by too, ready. And once again he asked,
"So why are you attacking us?"
Stain stare at the man who fought him as if he was a child and begrudgingly answer. He would've tried to escape if he weren't suspicious of Ichiji's ability since he was lax.
"You guys are suspicious crooks, that were planning something terrible."
"And you're a Hero Killer. You kill the good guys."
"They are not good! They are fakes who only cared about the fame and the money! They would run away the moment a calamity happen!"
His ferocious aura could freeze a lot of people, but not Ichiji. He in comparison to All for One is like a chicken to a dinosaur. It didn't even make him flinch.
"Oh, so you're like us? Gray."
"Don't delude yourself. I have my reason, you guys don't even know why the Hero Public Safety Commission is corrupt!"
"They killed our parents!"
Shuyo screamed, his eyes filled with rage. Stain react the same way Ichiji react to him, snapping back immediately,
"Then maybe they're in the bad.'
"NO! They're good people! How dare you talk like that about them!"
"Bad people can be good parents too, it's all about perspective."
"Our family have been serving them for years, our family were one of the founders!"
"The more the reason they could be bad, the longer they hold power the more likely they become corrupt."
Tears of anger had rolled down their cheeks and Ichiji can see, that they, especially Shujinko was close to their limit. He needs to stop this bad blood now or it could affect their work. Yes, Ichiji has set his target on the Hero Killer.
"Stain, stop. Any further and they will kill you."
"Hmph, I'm not afraid of death."
"And you're not stupid either. To kill them is overkill even by your standard. You killed those Heroes like the organisation kill their parents, it's to send a message. Different is, they began targeting the kids. The same company that establishes school for the next didn't want a single thing from them. Instead, they want to silence them.
And this organisation is also the one that produces the Hero you hate oh so much. Like it or not, we are on the same side, you're just shooting the messenger.
When peace happens for too long, the battle will begin from within and the goal will begin to change.
Stain, will you help change society with me."
Stain looked at Ichiji with clear blue eyes. It was resolute. The man in front of him has the same goal as him but on a wider scale. But Stain was clever, he was able to read through Ichiji's lies and that Ichiji is willing to help but he want something.
Stain sighed,
"What do you want?"
"I want you to help us escape and create this organisation as it's finding members."
"As long you don't turn into another All for One, I'm fine."
It would have been two selfish men who want to achieve their own goals. But Ichiji and Stain will soon come to see from the same position. All they need is a catalyst.
New Organisation in the making
Goal: Change the Hero Society
Ichiji and Shounenka trio - Good chemistry
Ichiji and Stain - Temporary partner and investor
Stain and Shounenka trio - Don't get along yet
I need opinions on how is it so far.
Also please stone me, I want to have 30 stones this week. so about 5 stones per day, please.