It's been a month and a half since the last event, currently 12th July. Nothing much has happened, there was no experiment for him to go through, no mission, nothing. But he was told that his next mission will be next year and it's a big one.
So in the meantime, he was taught some common sense about the world, the Hero society and so on. One of the more interesting trivia was the name of All for One, it is relatively unknown in the new generations because he was shoved off as some villain that was defeated by All Might. In the underworld, it was quite well known as being one of the more successful villains.
So, how did the kid know?
Don't know.
On the other side, the Shounenka sibling receives the same news as Ichiji, having their next mission next year. Contrary to their expectations, there was no attack on them. Their relationship with Stain was still foul though, they won't get along as friends but they recognise they are allies at least.
As a group, they have not done much but three things this month.
First, they got a base near the forest. Located on the more deserted side of Musutafu. It was an abandoned two-storey tall factory. Apparently, previous owners went bankrupt about 10 years ago. Why does no one take it now? Because it's placed quite close to the forest, many wildlife and pest, make their way through. That's how the previous owner went bankrupt. It was a food company, and with a lot of animals comes a lot of broken health codes.
Now the place is basically infested. But another man's trash is another man's treasure. A simple Nomu roar was enough to send even cockroaches away. Of course, the closest community were alarmed when they heard it and even file a report but since it was near the forest, they shrugged it off as some wild animal. What was sacrificed though, was the Shounenka Sibling fainting on the spot and Stain being paralyzed for a good 10 minutes.
Ichiji felt that Stain held a grudge against him since that day. Perhaps something to do with the fact that he's not the most intimidating anymore. Of course, he was aware now of Ichiji's circumstances so it did garner some sympathy and light a fire in him to help them out of their situation.
The trio basically lives there while Stain still lives in his original rented 1-room home. Since it's the only place at hand with electricity, water and internet.
The second thing to happen was a light robbery that was done two days after they first met Stain. It was light because they only stole 5 phones from a phone shop. Breaking in was no problem as they can come in during the day and warp in at night. Camera was a problem though so they cut the electricity of the whole building at 3, warp in, grabbed 5 phones, not the latest but on the newer side and left. Of course after turning it back on again.
That was like only 30 minutes. With Stain, Shujinko and Shuyo on top of buildings next to it to keep watch, while Ichiji was in to warp and because of his elite senses. Kihon because she knows how to pick locks and have more dexterous skill.
There was slight trouble that morning for the shop, but since it's not the wanted latest phone, they treat it as misplacement.
And now with another trusted ally, the trio's Quirk improves again and combine with Stain's make it way easier to get some underlings. Not strong but good enough. These underlings are shallow criminals who haven't done worse than a robbery. They're not evil, they're desperate. And when there's power, they will crowd to it
For shelter. For food. For safety.
And with a base, shelter. A forest to hunt in, food. And 3 monsters minus Ichiji, safety and good security. They were able to get 9 members. They all suffer from debt, a few because of their own mistake but most because of some sort of betrayal. A terrible, break-up, drugged to sign certain things. Basically the nicest criminals.
They got no money now, but at least survival is confirmed.
This organisation of theirs were temporarily called the Abandoned Ashes.
There was no clear leader in the Abandoned Ashes, but everyone was leaning toward Ichiji as the leader, but he doesn't hold definitive power. Stain still do his business of hurting Heroes while the Shounenkas along with their underling were out collecting information.
Ichiji on the other hand was collecting information of his own, he is collecting notes of Doctor Garaki's that was stolen by Johnny. He would copy it all at the base at night and then return it. These little guys had been helping Ichiji a lot, Mocha would create a copy of him every time he left and Johnny with the notes. And even warn him, by screaming about the bread when he first came back. To which he found a chip, which he decided to keep to leave Doctor Garaki oblivious.
Poor Doctor Garaki, thinking that he has control of them, and just like him, they were more loyal to their master than they love their 'Father'. If they loved him in the first place.
Ichiji has already decided that he is bringing these two critters with him.
A warp gate was created in the middle of the factory. All onlookers look away from the fire in the middle and look toward Ichiji giving him a bow of respect. And return back to their business. Half of them were playing cards while the other half was chatting.
They all have a comfortable smile on their face. They can clean themselves in the river and even got their hand on some beds. Even though the night can be cool the fire in the middle was enough to keep them warm. Not to mention, the place wasn't as dirty anymore.
Ichiji will normally come once a week to be updated and to copy his stolen notes. And today was such a day.
Ichiji went to the second floor and went inside a room that was marked outside by a bad sign stating the meeting room. Inside, was a long table and a few chairs and a long sofa occupied by Kihon and Shuyo, while Stain and Shujinko took two singular wooden chairs, leaving the last one to him.
Ichiji places the stack of notes on the table, receiving a nod from everyone. Almost everyone on the table knows the context of the notes and they all share the same feeling of disgust.
"Just how many more is there?"
Growled Stain.
"I think I'm almost done." Ichiji answer. And bring back the topic,
"So, what's up."
Uncharacteristically, Stain spoke up first. The Hero Killer usually has nothing to say and spend most of the time recruiting or crippling Heroes.
"Knuckleduster is out now."
"It's only been a month and a half! Is he fighting in a wheelchair?"
"The man is just so stubborn, he's in good form now, but with a limp."
"A limp! That's all!"
"I don't know how he recovers so quickly maybe he some robot parts, the I-Island was found floating nearby recently."
"Island full of scientists and shit. They mostly research on Quirk but there must be one or two mad ones."
"Oh okay. Thanks."
Ichiji end his conversation with a thank and looked at the other three waiting for one to speak up. Shujinko shook indicating that he has no news while Kihon voice next.
"So I was collecting information on the Hero Public Safety Commission this last two weeks, and I got two pieces of good information
First, is that the assistant of one of the core members is called Shokazi Azki, mother of Kazuki, that kid we kidnapped, maybe that's why he knows All for One, kids can be curious."
Ichiji absorbs it in and remembers that with All for One's personality, he didn't even have to steal the Quirk, he probably just want to cost paranoia into them. Just a reminder that he is still kicking. But other than that, what is the goal? All for One don't do things without purpose. Is it really just for the Quirk?
Before Kihon could continue, Ichiji spoke up and wanted to raise a theory.
"Do you think All for One did that so he can scare some of them into his side? A rat within a corrupted organisation is not hard to have."
The gears start turning in their head as a sense of dread fill the room.
"This society is crumbling down even further."
Stain muttered. Everything is going downhill, and even a war doesn't seem so out of place for the future, or maybe it will be a quick one?
"The Hero Public Safety is important for what usually?"
Ichiji asked, receiving an answer immediately from Shujinko.
"They handle the investigation and some hero-related events like the Hero License Provisional Test."
"Maybe he wants someone to cover his step? Or maybe he wants to recruit some potential soldiers from the test?"
Shuyo suggested. All seem viable, but one thing is certain, their organisation must rise in power quickly. If quick enough, they can stop All for One permanently, if not, they're dead.
Ichiji quickly signals Kihon to continue. She cough to attract attention and brought up the next information,
"Lady Nagant might have been betrayed by the H.P.S.C."
Ichiji tilted his head with a question mark above his head. He had heard some of the stronger Heroes of the current time, All Might, Endeavour and so on, from Stain and Shuyo. And this was a new name. And since Kihon classified this as good information, she could be a potential member.
And his hope was not let down. Even Stain talk well of her, mostly about her capabilities. Her Quirk allows her to create a rifle with her right elbow and being able to have essentially unlimited bullets.
"I thought she was corrupt, but it seems she was just exposed to it."
Stain said with a hand on his chin. With the Shounenkas nodding along. Kihon then continues and elaborate on how she finds this.
According to her, she was investigating about her parents, whether she could find the culprit who killed them or if there was anyone like them. Her family was not the first one to die from the H.P.S.C, there was many more. At the time, she realise that most of them died from a gunshot. Nothing special. But something interesting was the bullet hole, it was unique. A simple search on the internet leads her to some news that showcases the bullet hole, of course not a headliner. Looking back, she found the same bullet hole on villains and even Heroes.
Looking at the timeline, most of the kills happen in the same year meaning there were no stages of corruption because in that case, the order would be
Villains --> Heroes --> H.P.S.C. Core members
If it weren't for the fact that some members were killed, she would assume a corrupt Hero. Looking into the members themselves, they were families like her, very old members that originated as some founders. Yet they all die? Why?
Kihon still remembers the last few days of her parent, they were enraged and were complaining a lot. It doesn't take a genius to realize that there was some disagreement at work. A common ground for all previous cases.
News about murder cases will always include many witness testimony and most of them state the same thing, anger, annoyance and many of the sorts before their dying days.
So from here, she conclude that Lady Nagant was the Organisation's dog. But here's the most interesting thing, is that she was arrested after the death of the head of H.P.S.C.
And with the previous connection, it could only mean,
"She had enough."
Ichiji cut in. Everyone nod at this statement and it's official, Lady Nagant will be a target for them. Of course, there's a problem,
"She's in Tartarus, the most secured Prison in Japan, no in Asia in general. Located on an Island somewhere."
Kihon continue finally finished. There was silence for a moment. The moment Tartarus was mentioned, most are reluctant to recruit her. There are too many dangers.
"I'd say we will break her out when we have a stable power. Does everyone agree?"
Shujinko propose and it was unanimously decided, that she will be put on hold.
"This year would be ideal though."
Ichiji muttered which was picked up by Stain who glare at him.
"Be realistic."
Ichiji rolls his eyes at him and looks at Shuyo this time. Shuyo nod and pull out a map on the table, giving a piece of quick and easy information.
"Words on the street says that there is a man in Hosu who lost his guardians due to a Hero. The man has a lot of burn marks but has the Quirk similar to Endeavour, but it's blue."
"How old is he?"
"I know what you're thinking Shujinko. The age correlates. There's a very high chance that it's him."
Ichiji once again didn't understand, but all he hear is 'Quirk similar to Endavour' and he is in. Looking at the notes on the table, he asks aloud,
"How far is Hosu?"
"About an Hour."
Ichiji nod and check his phone, it's 12 and looks up to see the rest gearing up. He smiled as they all think the same as he did, but quickly remind,
"We need some to protect base."
"" I'll do it.""
Shujinko and Kihon answer at the same time. Understandable, these two compared to Shuyo are more lazier, but thankfully also fit the job. Kihon the brain and Shujinko the Brawn.
The trio of Ichiji, Stain and Shuyo, went to the back of the factory, at the same time changing their clothes. They all spot casual clothing, that they got from a thrift shop before, using Stain's money of course.
Kihon suddenly arrives and passes Stain the key since he's the only one with a licence and an Identity card. Stain smile behind his face masks and play with keys.
Then Ichiji set a warp gate and went in with others behind. And on the other side lies every man's dream vehicle, a fucking semi-trailer truck.
If you can think of a better name than Abandoned Ash then go for it!
Btw we got 15 stones, we need other 15 more.
I think this is a good place for me to ask for reviews. Ciao and Thanks.