"Woah, Woah, stop! Let me explain!"

Ichiji duck under the many daggers. It wouldn't have hurt, but he was reactive so he dodge it anyway. His antlers weren't so lucky, being so huge and were hit a couple of times.

The annoyed Ichiji stared at Stain's face. To his surprise, Stain didn't even look mad. Perhaps more annoyed than Ichiji currently is.

"Watch your phrasing, man. If most of us didn't know how you work, we would have mistaken you for a pervert criminal."

Stain sigh. The rest continue to eat while looking at the kid curiously. Ichiji was assumed to be asexual by everyone as he never once showed interest in anyone, he was more interested in capabilities.

But the kid is still a wonder, the dirty clothing, the many bandages, amd lastly how tightly she is clinging to Ichiji.

The child in question, Eri look at everybody curiously before focusing on the roasted meat everyone is eating. Her stomach growled, deciding to introduce itself.

Hearts are melted when Eri hide her face on Ichiji in embarrassment. It was like all their face lose all tension and lovingly watch Eri. Even Stain and Dabi, as they had to look away, felt awkward.

Ichiji chuckled and took a seat near the fire with Eri on his lap. He reaches out expectantly and is immediately given a plate with some meats. He holds the plate at Eri's level to allow her to be able to take on her own.

Eri switch glance between the meat and everyone else, before looking at Ichiji apologetically. Her mouth was open to state another apology, but before her voice could come out, her mouth was immediately filled.

"Just eat, you're with papa now, don't worry."

Eyebrows were raised for a moment, who's going to ignore that detail?

Kihon come a little closer and watch the little girl stuffs her little mouth as her brother, Shujinko, ask the question in everyone's mind.

"What happened."

"Found her running away from a guy with a beak. Could be a mask, or a mutation from his Quirk, didn't bother to check. He then lied about being her father.

It wouldn't change even if it's her real father. She flinched at his voice."

Dabi nods in approval, his eyes gradually softening on Eri. Childhood is the time of innocence, it's a tragedy when a child grew up at that time.

Suddenly, Ichiji blocks Eri's ear, earning a curious look but a simple smile reassure her and continue munching on what's left.

"So uh, I bit his arm off."

The bloodstain on his teeth was finally noticed by everyone. They felt their blood run cold, imagining the scene.

But also a bit of pride in some of them as about half of them knew who the guy was from Ichiji's single description. The boss who makes his mask, his signature.

"You did the right thing there. If I'm correct, that's probably the leader of Shie Hassaikai, Overhaul."

Releasing the earplugs, Ichiji picked up Eri's empty plate and pass it to an underling and use a napkin to wipe her face. Ichiji did this while keeping an ear out to Stain's explanation.

Shie Hassaikai is one of the many Yakuzas in Japan that once ruled the underworld before the rise of Villains and Heroes. Being recognised as Villains, many were destroyed in the transition. This Shie Hassaikai is the only few that survive and is currently the biggest one.

They have been quiet lately, but no one forgot the jaws of this sleeping tiger.

"Ever since the original boss went hospitalised, Overhaul took over. They're not as powerful as before, but they're more dangerous."

Stain mention as memories of killing some of them resurfaces back when he was a vigilante. He then saw that the girl look sadder than before. But it's not his duty to comfort her, he's not good with kids anyway.

Of course, the duty falls on to Ichiji as he just simply hug her tighter. It's enough to calm her down.

Kihon watched at the duo with a creepy smile on her face as she asked with a wild expression. She was immediately hit in the head by Shuyo after.

"So why are you her papa?"

"Isn't it natural? We look pretty alike! I got black hair...she got white.....Her eye is red!...mine is blue."

The once confident Ichiji is now carrying Eri in front of her to look for any similarities. Similarly, Eri is looking for some too.

It was just a rush of emotion for Eri after being abandoned by her Mother and being called a problem by Overhaul, to have Ichiji say that they're family. She actually began to believe that she's a cursed child. Now that Eri had calmed down, she has no similarities to Ichiji at all. Even their horns are different.

Eri's seem scaly and look to belong to a dragon while Ichiji's is undeniably a stag's.

Looking at Ichiji's eyes, Eri felt afraid and guilty for tricking him into taking the role of her father. She wanted to apologise again but was cut off as her cheek was being rubbed affectionately by Ichiji's.

"Well, a parent can't choose their child and a child can't choose his or her parent. So I guess I can do nothing about it, but take my fatherly duty. This girl, Eri, is my daughter now.

I don't have a last name though, but I don't care. Eri is my daughter now."

Ichiji announce sternly to everyone who heard. Most have mixed feeling afraid their leader will change now, while some, felt secure seeing some of Ichiji's true colour of simply being kind. Eri was definitely the happiest!

Eri hug back and unknown to everyone smiled on Ichiji's chest. It's a feeling she thought she lost a long time ago.

"Ah, Eri, what's your Quirk?"

Ichiji suddenly ask. Eri was unsure at first, but seeing her father's face, Eri whispered what she know about her quirk from overhearing others.

Rewind. She can rewind a living body to a previous state. Even before it existed!

Her ability is connected to her horn and will affect everyone who is near her vicinity or is touched by her.

"Heh, so that's why your horn was glowing."

Her eyes widen. She didn't see any difference in Ichiji at all, neither did he disappear. Noting the shocked and confused look, Ichiji answer Eri gently,

"You see Eri, I'm in the state of being alive and dead at the same time. And my circumstances are very complicated, that I don't think your ability is strong enough to put me out of existence. Even if you grew stronger, by that time, you would have grown quite a bit and should be able to control yourself."

Eri is happy but is confused at the same time. Ichiji, her dad, won't be in danger in her hand and would be there for her. But his circumstances are confusing.

Ichiji smiled before turning serious. He warns the underlings not to come too close physically to Eri for now and asked for an emergency meeting.

Panic and betrayed was what Eri was beginning to feel after hearing that as she was put down. Her hands were limb, not even grabbing Ichiji. He looks at her weirdly, seeing her emotionless complexion, he realised his mistake.

Ichiji pat to get her attention. As Eri soullessly look up, he pecks her forehead, telling her, "Don't worry, I am your papa."

Ichiji barked to others to entertain her with card games or something as he dragged, Stain, the Shounenka and even Dabi along.


This is his first time in a meeting, so Dabi didn't understand what was truly going on. And Stain called that out, stating why are they bringing fresh blood into the meeting.

To which Ichiji answer,

"Because he is Endeavour's son. Among all of us here, Dabi, here, is probably the closest to being a pro hero. If Endeavour is like any dad, I'd assume Dabi will at least know some inner working for a Pro Hero from him."

Dabi nod with a frown. Other than training, Endeavour will bring him to his agency and teach him some stuff there. It wasn't fun, now that he thinks about it. Every sidekick didn't look at how he was treated weirdly and were on Endeavour's side. While those who did, just keep quiet.

"Plus, he is one of the strongest here, I'd say second even. He got blue flames, you know? Even with your Quirks, you're only human, you will burn to ashes near him."

That can't be denied. The only one that can beat Dabi is someone with a long-range attack that can also withstand the heat. Or someone who can ignore the heat, like Ichiji.

"Lastly, the guy is physiologically smart."

Ichiji finished. Everyone agreed unanimously. Dabi is clever and a long ranger. Stain is a veteran. The Shounenkas are natural people person, with Kihon being the best intel collecter, Shuyo the best recruiter for underlings, and Shujinko being a mix of both and a veteran. Ichiji has almost all of their traits with his best being his fighting capabilities.

"Now let's get to business!"

Everyone present tensed up.

"First, thing first, Eri is currently being tracked."

They flinched but decide to stay quiet. Their leader is a smart man but is also genuine. His fatherly duty is real.

"I'm going to be upfront, we're going to use Eri as bait. To be more specific, her tracker. I want to take over Shie Hassaikai from within.

If that was really Overhaul, it's easy to assume that they hold Eri at utmost importance. So they will send quite a bit for her, even though I'm only one, Overhaul knows first hand how dangerous I am. Leaving his HQ weakly guarded for a bit.

Any questions?"

Stain immediately raised his hand and remind that the distance between Hosu and Musutafu on car is an hour which was already noted by Ichiji. Right now they have about 45 minute left.

"I know. Simply put, I'm going to buy us time by warping base onto the mountain. So Shuyo, I want you to find a clear space in the mountain, make one if you need to, bring Stain and Shujinko along to help. Your time limit is 30 minutes, that's why I'm leaning toward the latter. You know what, just do that and as deep in the mountain as possible."

The three in question nodded with sweatdropped.

"Kihon, in the meantime, bring everyone out to the lake. We all know where is it right? Good.

Lastly, Dabi, how are you with killing."

Dabi smirked at this question. Answering with certainty.

"Don't bother worrying about it."

"Good, you will stay here with me after I warp base out. You will try to kill as many as possible while I become a bodyguard for Eri.

I have more plans, but let's have that one tonight. This one right now is of top priority, understand?"

Most would worry about Eri's safety but when it's mentioned that Ichiji was guarding her, it disappear. This plan is not perfect, but it is flawless.

The biggest problem will lie in Eri's safety. But with Ichiji's natural instinct, his natural capabilities and the many Quirk up his sleeve, it is already solved.

As everyone nod in agreement. Ichiji took one deep breath and finish up,

"I realize, this will be our first operation as the Abandoned Ashes. Let's not let a failure stain our sheet, not now, nor in the future. Time is short, so let's not waste time.

Ashes! Move out!"


We are halfway done with the power stones, Our goal is to maintain 30 this week.

Please Review

And if you can think of a better name than Abandoned Ashes, be my guest!