


The beeping continues. None express any annoyance. None dare speak. None even dare look up.

Each and every thug within the trailer look down respectively, afraid of displeasing their boss with any actions. The atmosphere was bleak, thanks to someone's cold aura.

The source of the cold aura belongs to a man with one arm, sporting his iconic Plague Mask. Two others were wearing the same style but with a few differences.

Kai Chisaki, Overhaul, has what left of his left arm covered in bandages to prevent bleeding. It is not a proper medical move, but it was not top priority for him.

Not with the key to his goal off his hands.

As angry as he was, Kai can recognise that the man responsible is indeed a big threat. The man was too quick for him to see, as all he saw was a flash of black before his arm was bit off. And to add to that, he was able to appear in another city in seconds.

Kai assumes that his Quirk is an extreme speed boost type. If they have met a day before, Kai would have tried to recruit the man.

Now that percentage is nil. What's 100 per cent, is that Ichiji will die today? By his hand.

In a rush, Kai had planned a simple plan which is to sneakily circle him. Truthfully, he hopes Eri accidentally activate her Quirk and make him disappear.

Just in case, he brought two of his strongest physical fighters, Kendo Rappa and Rikiya Katsukame.

Kendo Rappa is a very large, muscular man with long, light brown hair. He dons a tattered t-shirt and dark pants covered by a light blue tunic and decorated with two belts. Kendo also sports his signature gloves, which cover his hands and wrists with several leather straps and his knuckles with metal.

His Quirk is called Strongarm, which allow him to move his shoulder at extreme speed, enabling him to send many barrages of punches.

Rikiya Katsukame is similarly a huge, tall, and very muscular man. He wears a black tank-top with jeans and sneakers, as well as a plague mask that covers his head. He also wears massive gauntlets and knuckledusters on his fists too.

His Quirk is called Vitality Stealing. Being self-explanatory, he can steal other people's stamina through touch to improve his own well being.

These two aren't the best, but could be a good counter for the Ichiji in Kai's mind. Something of concern though is their personality.

Rikiya is dozing off against the wall, being a lazy guy. While Kendo is someone hard to control with heavy bloodlust, the reason why Kai was able to control him, was because he was stronger then. But with his loss, Kai isn't so sure.

"B-boss, we're here."

Overhaul grunt as he read the location on his phone, they're about a few Kilometer away. As he began giving orders, Rikiya begin complaining about the distance. It fell on deaf ears though.

As Overhaul got out of the trailer, the lush greenery and a lonely road was not something he expected to see. Once again made aware of how powerful Ichiji's Quirk could be. He was then informed of an abandoned factory ahead.

Overhaul quickly command and split the thugs. Sending them in different directions. As the rest went off into their section, only Overhaul, Kendo and Rikiya were left.

With no words, they went in the direction of the tracker, as smoke was noticed by them in the area they were heading for.


A few minutes later, the expected building was nowhere to be seen. In its place is a crater with two figures, dead centre with a fire in between.

Something curious was the fact that there were no cracks on the surface of the craters like the usual one, instead, the ground was smooth and neat.

Craters are usually created by the impact of a crashed meteor, explosion or volcano activities. The element of destruction. But this particular crater was created as if it was dug out.

There was no news of explosion or destruction in this area. As Overhaul looked around, he don't see even dust from the previous building.

While at it, he saw many thugs of his yakuza begin to gather around.

His focus then shifts to the two men in the centre.

One has black hair and blue eyes and is in a white T and black shorts with a basket on his back. Overhaul's stare turned into a glare as he still remember the pain. The man in question is naturally Ichiji.

The other men, similarly have black hair, though it strangely looks unnatural. He has many wounds on his face that had turned an unnatural purple with stitches holding them.

Overhaul then tried to find Eri but found her nowhere. He looks down at his tracker and sees that she is supposed to be there right now and look again.

He notice that the basket behind Ichiji was moving slightly when the cover move up a bit. And in between the space of the cover and the basket, is a pair of red eyes!

Overhaul's eyes widen for a moment. But turn into a stronger glare as he saw Ichiji saying something before the basket begin shaking a lot. She was laughing!

She was laughing while staring at him, Overhaul.


She's laughing at him!

Overhaul tried to stay calm but his anger was obvious in his voice as he gave Ichiji and Dabi a warning.

"This is your last chance! You're outnumbered! Return her to me!"

The sound of guns getting loaded filled the air as half the thugs has guns while the other half had knives or machetes.

Ichiji once again whispers something to Eri while Dabi smiles. Eri suddenly stands from her basket and try shouting something with red cheeks. But she was too soft.

Dabi could be seen laughing while Ichiji chuckled before whispering to her again. This time, Eri took a deep breath and shout even louder reaching Overhaul's ear.


Overhaul's eye twitch as a vein popped in his head. He turns to his two companions,

"You two will go too."

He wasn't taking no for an answer. They weren't going to reject either. Overhaul raise his hand, and guns were triggered.


Ichiji looked up at the bright sun and behind him at the red Eri. He asks Eri to stay inside the basket and never come out and pass her a pair of earplugs.

Eri wears the earplugs and cheers Ichiji and Dabi before hiding in the basket.

"It's time."

Dabi said as he saw Overhaul raise his hand. Ichiji gave a firm nod and toss Dabi into the air while he use Air Walk to fly and dodge the many bullets.

In midair, a warp is created in the sky. Dabi 'flew' pass it while Ichiji toss the basket with Eri in it. On the other side, Shujinko caught it gently.

The original plan was to warp off Eri immediately after they arrive, but she was stubborn and reject the idea, she want to stay with Ichiji no matter what. So Ichiji secretly makes this plan.

Ichiji is confident that she will come out unscathed with him, but that doesn't mean he wants her to witness and hear the mass murder.

There were gasps of surprise. One at the flying Dabi and Ichiji and two at the mysterious warp that Eri was tossed into. Overhaul quickly check his tracker and see Eri was even deeper in the mountain. But that was the least of his concern as Dabi begin to fall.

Because of their floating state, the thugs began gathering within the crater, prepared to take them out when they land. Kendo and Rikiya included.

This was exactly why Ichiji decide to float and toss Dabi in the air. A crowd is the same as 1 Enemy if your attack is big enough.

Ichiji sighed as he look at their scarred faces.

'I wonder how many of them here are actually kind people?'

He can't even justify himself this time. He don't even know if all of them were evil and cruel. Perhaps some of them are just sheeps.

But he has to face reality, the moment he was created, Ichiji can never be on the so-called good side. His existence was not something that could be forgiven in the first place.

His hand will be dirtied. It was not a matter of if but when.

Ichiji reaches out toward the falling Dabi. Dabi quickly grabbed on and with the momentum, he unleashed his current 100% of his Quirk.


Sole User: Dabi (Toya Todoroki)

Description: The ability to generate highly-destructive blue flames, that's hotter than Hellflame]

Like water gushing out of a tap, Blue Flame were unleashed from Dabi's left palm. Covering the whole crater in his flames. No scream could be heard. Except for Dabi's mutter.

"Flame Flood"


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