There was no scream. Just beeping and burning.
The once empty crater is now covered in a sea of flames. The blue fire flicker gently like a blue ocean wave.
The beeping tracker, reminding again and again, why Overhaul came here in the first place. But he isn't in the mood anymore. Not like he has a choice.
Overhaul watched as all his underlings engulf in flames. Was he surprised?
Did he feel remorse?
Did he feel sad?
The only feeling he has, is fear as his gaze up. The two figures were looking down with no change in their complexion. No, looking closely, Ichiji showed a disheartened frown.
Ichiji's gaze met with Overhaul's. No word need to be said as Overhaul took a step away and walk through the forest back.
Ichiji watch how unaffected Overhaul was and is shock. Ignoring the rising smoke, Ichiji bring Dabi along and warped out.
He won't take out Overhaul yet. He's yet to be used.
The warp took them to a clearing where the new base is placed. Shuyo and the others went for the latter option of making the opening themselves. It was faster.
Their new location is not far from a river and quite close to the mountain.
Because of how rushed he was, the factory is standing on top of a dirt pile thanks to his bad warping.
Ichiji decides to engulf the factory whole including part of the land below. He doesn't want to miss any key foundation
"We should dig a hole."
"That'll take roughly a month."
Shujinko responded and hand Ichiji the basket. Inside is Eri rolling into a ball, softening Ichiji's heart. He tap her horn and immediately Eri jumped out from the basket and hug him blindly.
Only Ichiji dare touch her horn.
Ichiji carries Eri while his hand create another warp gate, his eyes focused on the factory. Quickly asking Shujinko a question as the rest of their members walk out the gate.
"Is the building stable?"
"I didn't bother trying."
Shujinko explain. Ichiji nod in understanding. A building without a proper foundation can never be trusted.
Noticing the curious glance from the newly arrived members, Shuyo express their current dilemma. None of them are builders, so they can't give proper advice.
Then one of his few underlings suggests, "Sir why don't you warp another crater similar to the previous one and put the base there. It will fit like a puzzle."
"Then what happened to the other soil and trees?"
"U-uh, h-how about the first crater."
He stutters under Ichiji's question. Perhaps it was because of his serious tone, but thankfully it is a doable method.
Right now, he is sure that almost everyone there is cremated to dust. Ichiji felt the least he could do is bury them there as he read that is the most common practice for the dead.
To add on, it could possibly prevent the fire from spreading. It's killing two birds one stone.
Ichiji quickly put Eri down and put a blindfold on her. He didn't want to make her feel afraid. That's what he did the first time he warps the building too.
Ichiji stands a few meters away and embraces the heat. Transforming into his Nomu form. While everyone else looks away.
In both forms, Ichiji suffers no drawback from overusing his Quirks, but the strength, limit and control of the Quirks is way better in his Nomu form. His already high physical abilities are boosted too.
The reason for the weakening of his Quirks in his human form, is because Ichiji never use them then. He didn't have to. But now, it's necessary so as to not frighten his allies in his Nomu form. He didn't truly realize how menacing and terrifying he is until the Shounenka express their fear.
Similar to Johnny, Ichiji vomits out a black liquid that turns out to be the warp, only if he needs a big one. As the warp envelope the trees and the ground, Ichiji violently vomit another warp ooze on the building.
As explained before, there's no drawback while his limit improve.
(Note: I'm aware that Johnny gets tonsillitis from overusing his. His biology will be explained in future chapters)
Backdraft is confused by the scene in front of him. No, everyone on sight felt the same too.
The police were called first as those nearby noticed a truck heading toward the abandoned factory which raised suspicion. Backdraft and the Musutafu Fire Department were called next as a concerning amount of heavy smoke can be seen rising from the same area.
The police did successfully find the truck with a driver and arrested him immediately.
But what's confusing, is that the factory was nowhere to be found. In its place is a regular forest. Despite the roads leading toward it, there's nothing there.
And to add more confusion into the mix is the intense heat coming from the specific area. Smoke could even be seen rising from the ground.
None there dare step a foot as the place is too hot. Even water didn't help as it evaporate immediately.
In the future, this place will still remain an enigma. Nothing would grow on that area of land and the grass will always be yellow while the temperature will significantly
be hotter. While the disappearance of the building remains unknown. People said that they can hear screaming sobbing at night and even see some mysterious figure with a bird-like mask.
And with its short history of misfortune, that area of land was called the fitting name of the Land of Hell.
Only a certain group would know what happened there, while to the rest of the world, the Land of Hell and its mysteries will remain unsolved.
Ichiji- Didn't feel good about what happened
Dabi- feel nothing
Eri- oblivious, unaware and innocent like a child should
Stone me please, we can barely maintain 30!