If you ask any man, what's the perfect time to sleep, do you think the answer and yours will be the same?
What makes it easy to sleep? Is it the state of your body? Is it the time? Is it the weather? Is it whether if it's day or night? Or is it how comfortable your location is?
No. Those are just factors that can help.
The most important, is the temperature.
Like how animals like frogs have the instinct to sleep when the temperature lowers, humans also have such. The temperature is on the cooler side and causes drowsiness in people. As such, most people tend to feel more tired on rainy days.
With the windy cloudy night, one of Ichiji's Weather Effect, given by All for One, took the form of a cold cloud and gust. Obviously, Ichiji produces the weakest cold cloud and gust to naturally lower the temperature around Garaki without garnering attention.
[Weather Effect
Known User: Shokazi Kazuki, Ichiji
Description: Being able to produce certain elements depending on the weather]
Stopping 2 minutes before Garaki should watch Ichiji for another 1, just to make it seem all normal. And with how long and hard Doctor Garaki worked every day, being over 11 hours, naturally, he begin dozing off thanks to the perfect temperature after 45 minutes.
But Ichiji didn't move yet. He stays where he is. With his ears and infrared vision, he remains cautious.
Another hour pass and only this time did he get up. Still keeping quiet, Ichiji peeks through the hole and see that Doctor Garaki is asleep and was leaning against the wall.
Ichiji produces more clouds to keep the temperature stable. He enhanced his hearing and listen to the calm and slow beating of his heart.
'He's in deep sleep. I got a few hours at least.'
Mocha and Johnny were quiet and watching. Ichiji gives them a nod and warps out.
Hisoki pov
Three days have passed since boss Ichiji give us our mission.
For most, it is to gather information on the surrounding of Tartarus, keeping notes on agency and police stations. But two were to check on the bridge while another two stay behind with his kid. I have the most important one, and that is to find Lady Nagant's location.
The bridge to Tartarus is located in another city, so we have to spend the first day travelling and settling down. We travel with the Truck and was decided that the trailer will be our base for now.
Anyway, today I'm ready to break into Tartarus.
I walk through the lonely city of Azen and make my way to the bridge. Along the way, I stop by a convenience shop.
I stole a couple of energy bars, energy drinks and left heading to an alleyway. Leaning against the wall and in the shadow, I pull up my long sleeve and find some images on both of my wrists. They were images of Protein bars.
This is my Quirk, 2d.
Sole user: Hisoki
Description: Allow user to turn their body and items into a graffiti-like state. And can move on flat surfaces.]
My limit is an hour. It takes energy to maintain my form but it's a fair trade.
I wait for a few minutes, watching every vehicle that passes by. Each avoiding the bridge. But I'm not afraid!
But I don't want to get caught either, so I need-oh there it is.
A lorry drove past me and toward the bridge. Immediately, I transform on the ground and give chase toward the lorry.
In this form, I am speed.
Though I can't attack, doing something like this should be easy! I am born for this.
I move under the lorry moving along with it as I hid in its shadow. It stopped before the bridge for a security check. I think there's another one ahead. I wonder how long this will be?
The lorry didn't move for a few minutes, wasting precious time before moving again. Shit!
This is fucking terrible!
I should have gotten better camouflage. Though the best I can do is wearing all black.
The lorry stop once again, but this time I'm not going to wait. It's in the middle of the day so the guards should be more relaxed. Timing it right with the guard's attention span, I sped on through.
I know there are cameras, but I don't mind getting caught. My safety is guaranteed anyway. And if I get caught so what?
This is the least I can do!
Moving through the dark road, I officially enter Tartarus Prison.
There is no proper entrance to the prison it seems. So this is a bit troublesome. The only thing I know about this place is the deeper you go, the more dangerous the criminal is.
Boss Ichiji and Dabi, Stain, seem to agree that Kaina should be in the deeper end. But I don't know where to go.
So, trial and error it is!
To be safe, I went out and go up the wall. I'm sure to get caught by some camera by now.
Reaching all the way to the roof, I keep just going forward hoping to find some space to go through but before that, break time.
My bottom half remains 2d while my top return is back to normal. I have spent about 15 minutes now, all because of that dumb lorry.
45 minutes is maybe enough time to find and run but I won't risk it. The last thing I want is to run out of time and get stuck inside prison.
Imagine breaking into prison just to stay there!
That's embarrassing! It will also be an embarrassment to Abandoned Ashes.
So I'll take a short break for now.
As expected, Hisoki is noticed by the guards and camera. But they pretend to act unnoticed while tightening the guard.
By the fact he acts boldly worries them. Their current emergency protocol is to prevent Hisoki from coming in rather than catching him.
They assume that he wants to sneak someone out with his Quirk so all guards were at full alert.
Can the ant penetrate the walls?