It was a strange day for the prisoner of Tartarus. Their usual routine seems to be disrupted. The always tight security seem even tighter now.
There are more guards than usual patrolling. With their trigger-happy firearms.
It was amusing to the prisoner seeing them so tense, giving a sense of pleasure watching their tormentors somewhat terrified. However, they knew an even better show is coming.
The clown is coming to town!
Were the common thought by most prisoners. No one should know the prison than themselves despite being on one spot. Only a retard would try to break in because he's going to be shot.
And again
And again
And again.
And it will be entertaining to the bored prisoners. They don't even have to watch, just hear the audio of blood-curdling screams, panic footsteps, many gunshots that would paint an image of war.
How wonderful!
The stage is set, their ears are ready. All they need is to wait.
And let the show begin!
It started off with an exciting beginning.
Footsteps slowed down as if following the rhythm. Paying close attention to the audio they receive, they hear a metal 'clang'.
And one goes down, his body crashing to the ground.
"There he is!" They said and boom goes the dynamite. Their bullet missed this interesting intruder and hit the walls or the pipe making a beautiful symphony to their ear.
The alarm set off, flashing their faces red as their panic voice spread everywhere. It was loud, but it felt so good to their ear. It's like when their Moms had hum them to sleep
A man scream, with his voice breaking. A smile grew on their faces as they replayed the scream again and again with nostalgia.
What a wonderful piece, they thought. The performance had attracted every soul in the building, waiting for the climax.
Ah, the scream, the bullets, the fear. It was so inspirational! Fond memories were brought up to their empty mind, bringing some joy to their bleak life.
The climax was coming they could feel it. Here's the part where the clown die! But they remain at the peak, as only many footsteps could be heard.
Every prisoner saw the same thing that day. Each of them saw, somebody going through their cell so easily. With the guards close behind. He even ran through their bodies!
His face remains unknown to them but his speed and Quirk can't be denied, it's amazing!
Hisoki felt weird hearing cheers as he went through the cells with extreme speed. He had tried sneaking in through the vents and pipes but was caught rather quickly.
But that's not an issue, dodging them don't require a sweat. He's grown accustomed to doing so from experience.
Now he just needs to escape, because being so deep, he already found his target.
And one trap is set.
(Shujinko pov)
Looking at our old base, of an empty room, we try making things the way they were. We're in a room in a building under the owner's nose.
I remember having a hard time breaking in but now it's light work.
We make ourselves at home with cards like usual. Awaiting him to come.
The message sent by Ichiji was clear to all who read. This will be our last mission and operation this year. So we need to do it right.
It's been a few days now since we left and as Ichiji predicted, he begin watching us. Being in a gaseous state, he can spy on us without our knowledge if we weren't warned.
And speaking of the devil, his glowing eyes appear in the shadow from the corner of my eyes. Our ex-boss Kurogiri.
And it looks like Shuyo and Kihon aren't aware yet. Hah, look like I need to train them a bit more. They look so innocent playing cards.
Goddamit Ichiji! Why can't he leave them alone! Look at them trying to cheat against each other. What dumb idiots, it's so obvious to each other too.
Thank God this is routine now ever since we were on the street. Or else their mouth would've spilt the secret.
Even now, they're still too engrossed in these little games.
I cough to get their attention. We've been doing our own work too, these last few days. Now we just have to compile everything together and confirm the plan.
"So, how's your research?"
Their once innocent stupid face, harden and turn serious. Hah, they grow up so fast. Anyway, Shuyo begin explaining what he found. Seeing nothing wrong, he let Kihon go next. With every word that passed, the happier I get.
Ah, ah, ah everything is falling perfectly so far, it's satisfying.
Now I just need to show the signal. Picking a brick that I had long kept for this moment, I smash it through the window and jumped out, landing on a nearby roof with my siblings landing after.
Haha, our trap is set.
That night, every info was stacked and passed to Ichiji. Everyone had contributed, not one had slacked off.
All infos were hidden in his book, free for him to read in front of Garaki. A little Warp trick to pass it to him with no suspicion.
That temperature trick will only work one time and Ichiji is no one-trick Pony. His expression nearly break a couple of times as he read on.
Now, all he needs to do is wait. For everything to be fully prepared. Keeping his eye on Garaki, wondering about the man behind him.
On the 21st of July, an incident happens that will shock the whole country of Japan. In the future, this event will be looked on as an important point, as that day, will be known as,
'The Heroes' first Failure.'
Every Heroes must bow, every Hero must confess, that that was the day the Heroes, loved by all, admired by all, was outbest.
All planned from a cell somewhere unknown, where the stage was set.