On July 21st,

The trio of the Shounenka watches over the bank from the top of the building. The cold shivering wind passes through their bodies, but none feel anything.

Blending in the darkness of their shadow is Kurogiri, loyally giving them his full attention.

Dressing in black, they prepare their gears and legs for what is to come, Stage One out of Four.

Time is 11:30

And the show starts at 12:00



Ichiji listens to the calm sound of Garaki's heartbeat. Cold mist, produced at the tip of his finger, lowering his temperature.

The same trick from the first night.

At that time, Ichiji returns back after 45 minutes and return the temperature to normal, slightly increasing it wakes him up. Garaki figure that since it was only 45 minutes, nothing happen, Ichiji is still here and would give himself some leeway.

To avoid suspicion, Ichiji did the same thing every day but to a lesser degree to make Garaki think, that the weather has been cold lately.

Getting to his feet, Ichiji smiled at the sleeping Garaki and showed a thumbs up to Johnny and Mocha. Both nodded firmly, if they have hands, they would salute.

They watch Ichiji disappear into the black mist.



Stain sharpen his blades, sitting lonely on a bin. He tightens his mask and recounts his weapons.

Keeping note of the time and the Hero agency nearby.

In another street, Dabi leans against the wall and peek at the still bright Hero agency. Chewing on a piece of mutton, he scans the surroundings.



Hisoki chews on a Protein bar and energy drink to calm himself down. He was nervous, as he's the first act. If he fails, the whole operation fails. And his Showtime is 30 minutes.

Standing tall in front of him, is one of the 6 Power Station of Azen City. This one is the main producer, contributing the most to this city.

The other one is targeted by the others in groups.

Each one has their own way of shutting the electricity and putting the whole city to sleep. The moment they're done, Ichiji said that they will be warped out by someone.



Ichiji arrive and took his place in one of the many air bushes in the cloudy sky. Using both Air Walk and Weather Effect to have his camouflage.

Looking down on Tartarus, he checks his earpiece and watches the seconds goes by.










1. '

The time is midnight, it's Showtime.



The Shounenka Trio did nothing but stare at the bank with laser focus, much to Kurogiri's annoyance. This week has been uneventful. This spying mission has brought zero results, frustrating All for One.

If the owner is unhappy, so will be the dog.

The day they broke out of the Apartment was the most interesting and confusing thing that happens to cause a panic in the City of Hosu for a while.

While this was happening, the trio ran toward the City of Azen on foot than in a car. One thing to note for Kurogiri, their agility and stamina are simply phenomenal.

However, soon something happens.

The lights vanished, making the city drown in darkness. Kurogiri look around in wonder while still keeping himself hidden, overhearing a fascinating statement,

"Man, that Hacker is a real one. Look at this!"

Shuyo states with awe and looks around along with Kihon. Shujinko laughs, reminding the two that the cut for the Hacker is huge, so they better get robbing.

'Ah, this Hacker will be a wonderful tool for sensei! I should get his connection somehow.'

Kurogiri thought, nodding with approval at this fine work. He followed closely behind as the trio dropped down the building and went for the bank.

With no desire to hide himself, Shujinko smashes the walls down. The guards inside were surprised but were immediately swept by Kihon precise card throw that was quickly finished by Shuyo's quick attacks.

They immediately went for the back for the money.

And just like that, 2 stages out of 4 is done.


Ichiji saw the city sink into darkness and immediately enhanced his senses. Being able to hear up to another city.

The reason for his sensitivity is due to being made with some animals that were enhanced by his final body, which also enhanced his other Quirks.

Once he heard a loud destruction, Ichiji focused on Tartarus. Every footstep, every heartbeat, every breath, was all heard and felt by Ichiji.

Ichiji was hit with a sensory overload, forced to close his eyes to minimise the pain. He focused on his hearing and try to find her.

The beating of your heart and the rhythm of your building is affected by your weight, health and fitness, but usually with minuscule differences that will trick everyone.

But Ichiji is the man that has been using his senses to detect when people are coming to him for years. Everything can be differentiated by him.

Ichiji creates a warp and immediately grab the shocked Hisoki and prevent him from falling.



Ichiji shut him up before he speaks any further. One more body doesn't help with his senses.

Opening his eyes, Ichiji asked the still shocked Hisoki,

"How's it going?"

Hisoki lose focus for a while before finding the strength in his body to speak,

"Everything is going as planned boss, on our end."

"Then you know what's next, right?"

"Yes sir!"


Hisoki begin transforming and used Ichiji as the canvas and appear on him like a tattoo. After making sure everything is set, Ichiji went for Tartarus covered in clouds.


The blackout in Azen City was breaking news for the whole of Japan. It had never happened for centuries.

This, of course, alert All For One who immediately calls for Garaki.

Not getting any answer, All For One clenched his fist. After receiving an answer after eight rings, All For One showed no delicacy or hide his annoyance.

"Ah, All For One sorry-"

"Enough of that, can you check on him?"

"Ah yes!"

Garaki quickly put his phone down and to his side and see Johnny and Mocha still sitting still. He quickly slaps himself out of daze.

'I need to take a day off and sleep after today.'

He got up and bang the metal door. He looked in and saw the body in a blanket twitch. The body spoke, revealing to be Ichiji,

"What's going on, father?"

"Ah, nothing, just sweet dream~"

"Sweet dream? You never said that before, is something the problem?"

Ichiji spoke in a sad voice, refusing to face Garaki. Garaki cringe at his voice and spoke the next word with underlying disgust.

"I, just never been interacting with you lately, so, I just want to express some fatherly love, now now, go to sleep."

"Okay, Father."

Ichiji spoke in a happy voice before going back to sleep while Garaki quickly return back to his call.

"He's here and sleeping."

Garaki receives silence and keeps his mouth shut. Waiting for his next order, Garaki pet Mocha and Johnny. All for One voice come again, stating only one word,


All For One lean back on his chair and rest his chin on his hand. There was somewhat a bitter taste in his mouth. Someone as prideful as All For One never wants to be wrong, but he cannot deny the evidence, that Ichiji has been as still as a rock. He only spoke of betraying but have nothing planned.

In this case, Ichiji is still someone that can be manipulated and be used.