Pirate’s Brood Order Chapter 84

After the brother meeting, Yarlin showed a gloomy face, he walked away quickly, and appeared in front of the building where the lock was broken a quarter of an hour later.

The door was vacant, and the smashed lock fell on the ground. He kicked off the brick on the ground, picked up the broken lock on the ground, held it in his hand, and pushed the door open. Go.

There is remote sensing between the slave and the master. Although there is no clear and complete expression in the transmitted signal, it is used as a calm "standby" or a bloodthirsty "turn on". The simplest and purest mood swings can still be captured by Yarlin on the other side.

Yes, although the overwhelming majority always looks like a quiet dead person, when he has limited activities, there are simple mood swings, such as excitement, thirst, bloodthirsty…

Walking up to the second floor, the whole aisle is dark, only the light in the next room is on, and the dim yellow light shines a stretched shadow on the wall opposite the corridor .

Yarlin sighed, he turned the corner and saw Bald Bill standing upright in the doorway, like a child who had done something wrong in the penalty station, and dragged a trail of blood under his feet. Extending to the bed and the window, a corpse with a broken throat was paralyzed on the ground.

The horrifying and distorted face, the entire throat and muscles were torn out and shattered. The white Marine suit was stained with blood and stubble of muscle tissue. Next to it was the sack that was dragged out. The gold and silver products stick to the pool of solidified blood, and there is also a glaring Red Seal on the gray windows.


Yarlin raised his eyes and glanced at Bill, the ghost blinked his eyes badly, and the message of the slave slave was called up in her mind:

The slave leader (Bill)

Race: Humanoid.

Class: First-order good product, cannot be evolved.

Mental strength 0

Nerve conduction rate 3

Skeleton hardness 2.4

Muscle activity 2.3

Blood density Flow rate 0

(Recombination and alienation of carbon-based lifeform, paper-paste-like weak body, brainless cannon fodder, does not have any cultivation value.)

Yarlin's eyes are wide, he I clearly remember that the original information was not written like this, it turned out to be a first-order inferior quality, and the skeleton hardness and muscle activity are both numerical 2, and when did the extra "leader" appear.

He suspiciously called up the attributes of other slaves in his mind. It is still the original attribute. There is no change in the slightest, so it is only the slave in front of him who grows differently. Slave leader Bill.

"But doesn't it mean that it can't evolve?"

Yarlin is convinced that until now, the four "non-evolvable" fonts in the attribute information have been marked scorchingly, but As During this time, Tuboer seemed to be completely dormant, and he didn't respond to Yarlin's question at all.

So, he can only rely on himself!

"Growth is not equal to evolution!" Yarlin can only draw a conclusion like this: "Growth is only the improvement of quality, from inferior to good, but it will always stay in the first class. And evolution means that you can break through the shackles of this class…"

Withdrawing his thoughts, Yarlin looked at Bill more, and suddenly found that the eyes of the slave were constantly changing with the movements of his body. Moving slowly.

There seems to be something different between this slave and the other rigid slaves. His eyes seem to be a little more flexible. If you think about it this way, Bill is the only murderer in this "homicide".

When Yarlin left, he did not at all leave any instructions to the slaves. This was his own negligence. He did not expect that there would be a thief in the house, and he was still a villain in Marine uniform. thief.

Of course, Yarlin was not able to judge Bill's autonomous behavior at this time because he realized that the villain had come in, or he was simply feeling hungry and could not restrain his inner killing instinct.

After all, Bill is also impossible to grow for no reason. To put it bluntly, his growth is inseparable from the corpse under his feet.

I also blamed him for not discovering Bill's particularity, and paying too little attention to the whole of the slave. Then, a single thought flashed through his mind: "Why Bill is the leader of the slave , Is he originally possessed of any special characteristics, um… if there are any special things, he is the first transformant and the first slave to be successfully incubated."

According to time Arrange in order!

Then the leader level, in addition to being able to grow, the eyes are more active and subjective, and will it have other special features.

"You did good!" Yarlin said, raising his eyes and glancing at Bill. He made up his mind to pay more attention to Bill, not to let him go out of moths under his nose.

Bill's eyes turned weirdly, and a half-beat slow response came with joy. Yarlin waved his hand silently and ordered Bill (the slave leader) to go out and resume the standby state with those of his kind.

"Who are you then?"

Yarlin sat on the edge of the bed, staring deep at the corpse on the ground, his shoes stepped on the Marine shirt and his face Showing a contemplative expression.

"You said you were okay, why did you follow me sneakily, and got into my den. Your father didn't teach you when you were a child, can't you just enter other people's homes…what a trouble!"

Although Yarlin didn't see what happened with his own eyes, he just thought about it and figured out what happened. The question is when did this Marine stare at him? Who instructed it?

"It's been a bit careless recently, and I didn't even notice it." Yarlin frowned. Since he was wearing Marine uniform, Yarlin naturally pushed the time from stepping into Marine 153 branch. Starting to count, fortunately, he basically spent the month in the document room. Although his behavior was a little strange, he did not do anything dangerous after all.

"Then who will be staring at me? Senjeri, shouldn't it be him, that's the other officers of the Marine branch, the fault should be on Senjeri, to be exact The head of the Via that Senjeri brought to the transaction, a person who is interested may contact him with a little investigation. The one who traded with Senjeri is… he mentioned the name, yes it is Sa Tony Commander, so it's you!"

Although this kind of thing is difficult to conceal completely, because Sartoni Commander will eventually send this head to Morgan Captain, and those who are interested will eventually pursue it. When the clue points to Lieutenant Senjeri, he will contact him, but Yarlin doesn't think it will be the latter complicated situation. The most likely suspect can only be Sartoni Commander.

"Not necessarily malicious, maybe just curious?"

Yarlin stood up helplessly, found a rag from the house and wiped the blood on the windows and on the ground, but his heart I thought: "But the person sent now died directly, hehe~this is troublesome!"