Pirate’s Brood Order Chapter 85

I sighed with trouble, but my face was not at all. There were too many expressions of worry. Things have already happened. Complaining is of no use. Fortunately, I started thinking about how to deal with it.

It's a basic operation to resist the death. It's also necessary to maintain the new recruit's personality by pretending to be ignorant. Face doesn't change. As long as Sartoni Commander can't find the corpse for a day, it's It can only be counted as missing, let alone contact me 100%. After all, everyone is Marine and not Pirate. The necessary discipline and reason must be explained.

"And…this thing is not all bad, and there is probably no place to borrow it!" Yarlin wrung out the rag in his hand, and the sinister plot against flashed in his eyes.

Most people may have lost one's head out of fear long ago when encountering this kind of accident; excellent people will work hard to calm down, and will quickly think about how to destroy the corpse and evidence, cut off all clues and get out come out.

To use a less appropriate analogy: the former is impulsive killing, and after killing someone in a panic, you lose your senses and then sit in prison; the latter is a planned murder, killing someone. Later, you can destroy the corpse and evidence in an orderly manner, and then continue your normal life.

But in addition to these two, there is a more rare type of 3rd type people. This kind of people are usually bold and wily old fox: they not only simply complete a murder crime, but also design In a certain period of time deliberately exposed to the police, to achieve his more hidden and unknown plan.

And Yarlin obviously has to belong to this last category of people. He is not only thinking about destroying the corpse and evidence, but also thinking about how to extract this sudden accidental hiding. And use this accident reasonably as a certain link in the future plan to advance the process and results he ultimately wants.

This kind of person usually gets a unified pronoun—formidable person in the long night history!

The most important thing right now is to dispose of the corpse. Yarlin stared at the corpse that had been stiff and exposed the corpse spots and rancid smell.

Pick off the Marine suit from the corpse, smash the limbs of the corpse, curl it up into a sack, and then splash paint on it. This is the half bucket of paint left after the recruitment office was painted last time. He came back with his hand, and it can be used to mask the smell of the corpse right now.

Tighten the sacks, Yarlin went out to buy a new lock in the town, and then while waiting in the house for dark, he dug a deep hole under a tree behind the building. Bury the sack in, and stamp the dirt on it with the abnormal porcelain.

............... ...

No. 153&*...ce471, which represents my code name in Marine 153 branch. My name is Jonitz. I am 21 years old. I joined Marine three years ago and I am now a second-class soldier.

The matter has to start about 10 days ago. Oh, yes, I almost forgot to explain my own situation. I am a soldier directly under Lieutenant Fries. The so-called direct means probably means Said that I have to do whatever he asked me to do, whether it is something I belong to as a Marine or not.

After I finish the soldier's training every day, I still have to wait for him at any time, serve him in front of the horse, pour tea, clean up, and even run errands to buy cigarettes. It's all my own money. When Lieutenant Fries is in a good mood Will give me some Beli. When I am in a bad mood, I can only take the cigarette money as I smoke it.

And the truth is, I am actually a person who has no addiction to cigarettes, and Lieutenant Fries is usually in a good mood. He is a follower following Helmeppo Young Master.

Helmeppo is the only son of Morgan Captain. Although I have never understood why Helmeppo has not become Marine, this still cannot change. Helmeppo is the special existence of the entire Marine 153 branch. No one dares to offend this Young Master, even if Lieutenant Fries couldn't disobey him, so he was fortunate to be favored by Helmeppo Young Master and became a follower who followed him.

Of course, I think Lieutenant Fries is probably very reluctant in his heart. He finally climbed to the position of lieutenant, but it was not to be a dog for Helmeppo Young Master.

As a result, my situation is very bad. Whenever Lieutenant Fries gets angry at Helmeppo, he will sprinkle his anger on me for various reasons. He will be beaten at every turn. Recently, I don't know why. This frequency has gradually become higher. There are more and more bruises on my body. I am really afraid that one day I will be accidentally beaten to death by him.

I have tried to resist, and I have also tried to report to the higher authorities, but all of them throw a stone and see it sink without trace in the sea, no one pays attention to it, I feel like I am in In the barren darkness, the people of to-and-fro had cold faces, and no hand was willing to come over and pull me.

The numbness and despair make me suffocated. I feel that every breath is burning my pain. I am angry and resentful. I want to kill Lieutenant Fries. However, I am another Coward… Every time I think I must have the courage, and finally when I really face him, coldness and fear reawaken me again, even if I kill him? Will freedom and happiness greet me?

No, it will only be a cold execution, so since it is all dead, why should I resist? Maybe one day Lieutenant Fries will find out with his own conscience, and then let me go? No matter how bad it is, as long as the frequency of beating me can be slowed down, I can survive after all.

I hypnotized myself like this, but in the deepest part of my heart, I was praying bitterly for a god or a devil to hear my prayer to save me, or come to liberate me.

Then, ten days ago, the destiny began to change. It was so quiet and inadvertent that I didn't realize until now that God really came.

This is a dimly lit room, similar to an old abandoned warehouse. There are a circle of four-legged stools in the middle of the house. About 30 people wear weird masks. The people in the Marine suit sat together, quietly listening to the Marine wearing a mask telling his story.

The voice continues, from the very beginning to the slowly desperate fear, and now it has become hoarse and excited, and the breathing in the dark and depressed room is heating up.

"…And just the day before yesterday, there was a voice in my ear asking if I wanted Lieutenant Fries to be tried, I responded to him, and yesterday I got confirmation that Lieutenant Fries he Dead!"

The hoarse voice was trembling and excited, and the surrounding breathing seemed to become depressed and enthusiastic. "Fries was judged, and God pulled me out of the abyss of despair, I I feel the beauty of breathing again, my cowardly body and soul have found support, I will no longer be afraid!"

"I am Jonitz!"

Under the mask His voice slowly recovered to calm down, and then he gently took off the mask on his face and stared at all around the mask said solemnly with fearless eyes: "I took off the mask because I started from this day, I officially became a member of Freemasonry and vowed to defend it to the death for the rest of my life."

"Yes, we are Freemasonry!" Several people around took off their masks and made vows in unison: "We will defend the glory here to the death!"