Couldn't find proof

Lily sat in the bathtub playing with the bubbles. Thinking about what happened earlier, She wondered why that voice was so insistent on making her leave and why humans are not allowed to step inside that land.

Her mother told her that a long time ago, Humans and Vampires used to live together, They didn't coexist, But they managed to live together, But no one knows why suddenly the humans were forbidden to enter the Vampires lands.

Lily tried to find something about the truth in every history book that is written about Vampires and humans but she found nothing. She felt as if the truth was deliberately hidden, But she couldn't find proof to support her theory.

"Lily, Are you still haven't finished?'' She heard her mother's voice from outside.

She was already used to her daughter's habit of taking a long time in the bath as she daydreamed about something that made her lose track of time.

"I'm almost done, Mother." She replied as she stood up and picked up the towel before she stepped out of the bathtub.

She dried herself quickly before she wore her nightgown and stepped out of the bathroom.

Once she stepped out, The smell of the delicious food reached her nose. She walked towards the kitchen and sat down on the chair and watched her mother as she scooped the soup into bowls.

"Where did you and Amelia go today?" Her mother asked as she placed the bowl in front of her.

"We went to pick up the blueberries and then we went to the forbidden land." Lily replied as she started to eat.

Her mother wasn't pleased with her going there, But she decided not to scold her today.

"Amelia was too scared to stay and left and right after she left..." Lily pauses wondering if she should tell her mother what happened or not and she decides that it's best to not tell her.

"I too left shortly after Amelia." She lied.

Linda had a feeling that her daughter is hiding something from her and she was positive that it was something that she won't like and Lily will end up being scolded.

"You like going there don't you?" Linda asked as she watched her daughter eat in a way that was so unlady-like.

"Eat properly, You are not a young girl anymore, Lily. One day you'll get married. How do you think your husband will react if he sees you eating like this?" Her mother scolded her.

Lily giggled at her mother's words and continued to eat in the same manner. She didn't care if she was unladylike as long as her stomach was full

Linda sighed and shook her head hopelessly, When will she ever learn? She wondered to herself.

After dinner, Lily went to her bedroom and picked up the book that she hadn't finished last night and started reading it until she fell asleep with the book in her hands.