To not indulge in your curiosity

Author note.

Hello dear readers, I'm dropping this note to explain something.

This novel is no Historical fantasy romance novel, It's a Fantasy romance, So the places and the clothes will look a little like the modern world, But not are the modern world, A fantasy world that is a little similar to the modern world.

I hope that I was able to explain the Idea to you, The readers clearly.

Thank you and don't forget to vote and review and support this novel.


She headed towards the forest alone this time, Though what happened yesterday scared her but it made her more curious to know about that place, Of course, curiosity wasn't the only reason, She wanted to help her sick friend and the only to get what she needs to help her is by getting pureblood blood, But how she is going to do it that is a plan that still in progress.

She decided to not go near the gates today and just watch from afar, But the castle was always hard to see because it was always surrounded by fog, Which she found to be odd since there wasn't any fog in the forest except for the castle.

Strangely, she never saw anyone come in or out of the gates. Maybe they have secret passages underground that they use. She thought to herself.

Maybe she should go to the other side of the gates, Lily thought as she started to walk towards the other side, But she found nothing, Everything seemed normal.

Lily's body froze when she heard someone's voice behind her.

"Don't you know that it's forbidden to be here young lady?" A deep voice was heard.

Lily gulped softly and turned around to see a tall man with a mask that was covering his whole face standing not far away from her.

"W... who are you?" Lily asked, noticing the man's clothes that looked expensive.

The man didn't answer her question, Instead, he said.

"Leave or you will be punished for breaking the law." The man said before he started to walk towards the other side of the forest.

Lily, who was scared minutes ago, Followed the masked man.

"Sir, Please wait, Do you come here often? It's the first time that I see someone else here?" She asked as she followed behind him.

The masked man quickened his steps and it was hard for her to stay behind him without losing track of him.

"What a rude man." Lily spoke under her breath as she tried to not lose him.

"Sir, Could you please stop walking quickly and answer me." Lily spoke a little breathless from following him.

She stopped the following noticing that he won't stop and will not answer her, But he suddenly did.

"Stop asking questions and go back to your home." The masked man said

"I will, But first, answer my questions." Lily replied as she walked towards him.

She wondered why this man was wearing a mask. It would be rude if she asked something personal like this.

She watched as he turned around and she took a step back

"Humans are annoying creatures." The man spoke and lifted his hand and suddenly Lily was throwing back against the tree.

"This will teach you the lesson to not indulge in your curiosity." The masked man said before he disappeared into thin air.