Can be deceiving

Author note.

Hello, my dear readers, This is a new novel, Fantasy romance. I will be entering Web Novel spirity Awards contact, Please support your dear author by adding, reviewing, and comments.

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Lily suddenly found herself back again in the forest, Where she was standing there before that masked man took her, She sighed and started to walk back.

Thinking about what happened, Lily felt both frustrated and disappointed. All her time searching hadn't paid off. Now she has to find a new way or someone to help her.

Lily decided to not tell Amila about what happened. She didn't want her to feel sad and lose hope. Thinking about her friend, She wondered if Amila was lucky in catching her mysteriousness in the market today.


Back at the castle, Charles wasn't convinced with what his master said, He had served this family for centuries and he knows well how master Adonis can be deceiving.

A human female was here and her presence disappeared just before he knocked on the door, So what happened and what a human was doing here is going to be almost impossible to find out.

Charles's eyes narrowed as she looked around the room before he left, closing the door behind him.

Adonis shook his head helplessly as he sat in his enormous bathtub when he heard the door to his room is closed. He had sensed Charles coming towards the room when he was healing that girl's injury and he sent her back before his butler sees her.

He might be able to use his powers to prevent the maids and servants from sensing her presence, But he can't cover her presence from an old vampire like his butler, Charles.

He remembered the look of sadness in her eyes when he rejected her request of helping her friend and how her forest green eyes glared hard at him thinking that she could scare him.

Losing someone we love can cause you a kind of pain that can never be forgotten. He knows that all too well, But life was based on rules, Vampires live longer than humans while human's lives end early, Or this is what he wanted to believe.

Vampires shouldn't have relationships with humans, Because if that happens, It can only cause heartache for both parties.

He was aware of the interest that his brother started it on a sick human girl, He is watching from afar now waiting to see what this attraction will lead to, Of course, He won't stand in his brother way to happiness, But as a king, There are some precautions he needs to take to protect his subjects.

Once he was done with bathing, Adonis stepped out of the bathroom with a white towel warped around his waist and another one around his shoulder, He stared outside the open window and saw the sky turning to dark slowly wondering if that girl will come back again tomorrow, She will be stupid if she did, He thought to himself as he wore his clothes.