Glad that I met you

Wiping her mouth, Amila wondered if there were bloodstains on the corner of her lips.

"Yes, It was me." Amila heard him say, She smiled at him hearing his reply.

Since she woke up and found herself here, She had a strong feeling that it was him who saved her that day, But she wondered Why?

"I can heal you." Jason spoke and saw how Amila looked at him with hope in her eyes." But there are conditions that you need to agree to first." He added.

"I will agree to any conditions." She replied looking into his eyes.

Jason smiled and asked.

"Even if you have to leave your family and live here forever?"

Hearing this, Amila's eyebrows creased in confusion.

"Why do I need to leave my family?" She asked.

Jason offered his hand to her and she took it, Helping her to stand up, They walked towards the window.

Amila could see the view of the town from here.

"You must be aware that vampire blood is forbidden to be given to humans, But, Do you know why?" She heard him ask as he stood behind.

"No." She replied, Wanting to know.

Placing his hands on her shoulders, He started to speak.

"Centuries ago, The Vampires founders helped the humans, They taught them how agriculture, How to harvest, Healed them when they were sick, But the humans because greedy for more and wanted to obtain the powers of the vampires, They started to kill and Hunt our kind to get their powers, Wars started between humans and vampires, Eventually, After we won the ware, The Vampires king announced that this land is forbidden for the humans to enter." Jason explained.

Amila turned around to look at him. She had heard some of these stories from her mother and father and thought about it. Now that she understands why he can't heal her.

"I understand, You have rules to follow to protect your loved ones, I too. That's why I can't accept your condition and I am not sad. Yes, I had hope, But I'm glad that I met you." Amila said with a smile on her face, Heading her sadness.

Jason stood there silent. This wasn't what he expected her to say. He thought that she would ask him to give her some time to speak with her family but he refused the whole offer entirely.

"You won't be able to survive much longer, Amila, Please accept this one condition and in return, you will have a long healthy life." Jason said, Not accepting the idea of her dying.

They only just met, But he felt as though he had known her for a long time and he didn't want to lose her when he just met her. He wouldn't be exaggerating to say that he is already in love with her.

Amila didn't know what to say. She too, Didn't want to die, But she knew her family wouldn't approve of such a thing.