Using him for my own selfish reasons

Hello dear readers, I'm dropping this note to explain something.

This novel is no Historical fantasy romance novel, It's a Fantasy romance, So the places and the clothes will look a little like the modern world, But not the modern world, A fantasy world that is a little similar to the modern world.

I hope that I was able to explain the Idea to you, The readers.

Thank you and don't forget to vote and review and support this novel.


Seeing Amila who was standing in front of the door without entering, Jason shook his head hopelessly and asked.

"Do you want me to open the door for you, Amila?" She heard him ask.

"No, Thank you for showing me the room." Amila said before she opened the room and entered.

"Amila." Lily, who was sitting on the bed, stood up and walked towards her friend.

"How did you come here?" She asked.

"I will tell you, But first, tell me, How do you feel now?" Amila asked, feeling guilty for what happened to her friend.

"I'm fine, They took good care of me, What about you?" Lily asked and saw her friend smile.

"I'm doing fine, We were worried about you, Your Mom, What were you thinking going to the witch's land? You could have been hurt badly or worse." Amila said as she held her friend's hand.

"I'm sorry, I wanted to help you, But I ended up in trouble." Lily apologized.

Amila hugged her friend, Happy that she is alright, For a moment she thought she had lost her.

"Tell me, How did you come here?" Lily asked again as they pulled away.

Amila started telling her friend everything that happened from the time she disappeared and how she ended here and how her mysterious man turned out to be the brother of the vampire king. She also told her about the offer that he offered her and explained to her why he couldn't help her before.

"But this is unfair, He said he loves you and he can't help, This is unavailable." Lily said not believing what she just heard.

"You can't blame them, Lily, I understand his reasons, At least he didn't lie to me and give me false hopes." Amila replied.

Lily noticed the sparking in her eyes as she spoke about her mysterious man and she couldn't help but roll her eyes at her.

"Now what, Are you just going to go back to your parents and wait for the moment you die?" Lily asked angrily at that man who refused to help her and at herself.

"No, I will speak to my parents after I get back and then I will think about it and see what I should do. It's not an easy choice, But I don't know why I feel that I'm using him for my own selfish reasons." Amila said as she looked at her friend.

"So be it, If he loves as he claims to be, Then he should allow being selfish and besides, A few blood drops from him won't kill him." Lily replied, assuring her friend that nothing is wrong with the way she was thinking.

Amila nodded her head, The girls spent the rest of the day together and after dinner, Both of them slept together in the same bed in Lily's room.