Warm sunny sun, I am feeling fresh. I saw a river, a bench where lays near a pond for lounging. A big pink tree in the centre on the soft pink grass. Everything looks abnormal for me, I have never encountered before. An aspect where place is regarded. I felt different to myself, my body aim to move without me knowing. I wanted to stay here. But then...
There are some misconception going on about this places.
* crack crack *
" Who's There!!? "
I shouted.
" *gasp* I warned you!!"
I saw a shadow sprinting all around everywhere in the forest. My heart is pounding and my breathe is uneven.
" Who are you?!!
There is a big black shadow standing, flashing its shadow right behind me. I saw its arms moving over my head, I can't seem to move because my body is paralyzed and...
" AHHHH!!!..."
* whoop!! *
*gasp, breathing hyperventilating *
I am literally sweating, my palm is wet and my feet are cold. Everywhere inside and outside me is shaking shiverly and my stomach is lurching like someone has thrown me off the building. I guess I am just having a bad nightmare again. My inner body felt like melting.
I looked up to my phone to check the time
" Damn, it is only 4:53 am "
* click*
I walked off the bed, opened my flashlight and was thinking about going down stair to get some water since I am really thirsty and exhausted after all of those things I had dreamt about.
" dppt dppt dppt"
Tip toe..tip toe.
I am trying to be really quiet and silent because everyone isn't awake yet. But everything we used to do isn't the same at night. I mean why does everything seems to be so loud at night even though it doesn't have to be that loud.
* click *
" What the heck? "
I am trying not to panic or screaming at night because even though I tell my family, they will say I am just being a paranoid again. But I am sure I saw something at the end of my left eye. I acted normal and grab some water to drink and alleviate myself.
I turned backward quickly when I felt something has touched my hair. I glanced everywhere around my body. I put the cup down slowly. What do you think I am going to do?
Say less, I am trying to run upstairs as fast as I can while holding the flashlight. I am scared of dark too. I have had multiple phobias and have experienced it since the last 4 years, they are " nyctophobia and autophobias". Nyctophobias is a phobias which one person has an extreme fear of dark and autophobias is a phobias when you have fear being alone or lonely. But I can seem to overcome it for like 2 years ago. Nothing likely looking good now because I think my phobias is recurrent again. I can feel it through my vein.
" Nope, I am not doing this again. Bye. "
I said to myself to clam down but I deteriorated myself even worse.
" Hello, Allie! "
" AHH!!....Grandma?? What are you doing at this hour. "
" Hi!"
" Oh god, you scared me."
" I did? Oh well, sorry? "
" so, what are you doing down here?"
Grandma asked me.
" I am just trying to get some water. "
" Sit down here, Allie. "
Grandma told me.
" But I want to sleep."
I murmured.
" Seems like you don't."
I sat down the chair at the kitchen table with my grandma. She stared at me with curiosity for a bit long. Then she started to talk...
" So, you having a sleep paralysis again? "
" What? How did you know ?!"
" I saw you. You are sweating and clutching your fist so very tight. Look at your hands. "
I open my both hands in front of me and saw fingers nail scar all over the middle of my hands. So that is the reason why I always wake up every morning seeing the exact same thing happen to me everyday. I shouldn't be thinking about it anymore. My eyes are so sore right now.
" Isn't it obvious yet, Allie ?"
" What do you mean, grandma?! "
" Oh!! you know what I mean. Look, you belong there. "
" Huh?? "
I wondered.
Her line where she said " you belong there" has me puzzled up. Lots and lots of questions have appeared in my head as I look into her eyes. There are so many things I wanted to ask her about but I think it is just not the right time now.
" Look Allie! I know it sounds crazy but you have to trust me. Come on, go to sleep. "
Grandma snaps her finger three times.
" grandma?? What...are you doing?? "
* Gasp* Breathe toughly.
" What...the WHAT?!!? "
" Grandm– Oh... My... God!! "
I look up high to the sky where everything had took me to a very different place, it doesn't look like anything to where I lived before. I am on the other side of the planet?
" Hello Allie?? "
" huh?? GRANDMA!? Grandma WHERE ARE YOU?? "
I shouted off my chest.
" where am I ?"
After a long thought, I suddenly understand what happened. Grandma said " Go to sleep".
So I think she is hypnotising me.
I walked up into the only place I see, the only thing that appeared in front of me. I saw a forest with an entrance door opened, it looks like it is waiting for me in a long time.
The light is shining into my eyes, I cannot seem to see anything. I walked slowly and slowly into the door as my eyes are closed with hands moving slowly.
* singing sound echoing*
" What the hell? This is so weird. "
I hear the singing voice so beautifully into my both ears.
I immediately have a wierd feeling upon this forest. The voice, the sound, the landscape, the view, and everything! It is so beautiful that I wish everyone should see it. But the only one problem as far as I can see is I cannot touch it like everything.
After a long walked, I have gone into where my heart is leading but suddenly I heard a group of people is singing and dancing together just like they thrown a party but more traditionally.
I hide myself near big marijuana leaves and I saw them doing some strange activity but for some good reason, I guess.
They are standing like a group in a circle and there is one person step out of nowhere into that big circle, grab their hands together and closed their eyes while everyone is heading up, holding each other hands and closing their eyes too, look like they are praying.What a wierd custom?
* crack*
And I just realised I messed up.
Why the heck am I so careless? STEPPING ON A STICK?
" Who's there? "
" Show yourself if you don't want to get hurt! "
" Umm"
I said.
I turn myself slowly out of the leaves and standing in front of them while raising my both hands up like a criminal.
" Oh.. My...God!! "
Now for this scene,i don't think I understand. I raise my eyebrow up and started to be very confused. WHY IS EVERYONE CRYING?? "
" After all this years and you are back. "
One person step out of the group and dress in a really nice costume and said to me.
" Welcome home."
* applause.*
The crowds are shouting gleefully and vociferously.
I felt like my neck is sweating and tinkling. I looked to myself and my hair is untie with decoration every where all over my head. I didn't even dressed the same, but wore a sleeve long blue dress with a small diamond necklace on my neck.
" Your majesty, Please come here. The king must be so excited to see you. "
One lady stood up in front with a wierd behaviour. She even bowed and talk so soft to me.
" No!! I am not going anywhere. Can somebody please tell me what is going on !!?"
I shouted to them.
An old lady walked up from the crowed with her tear drops down her cheek while she is saying to me.
" Please don't tell us you
forgot. "
And now this is where it gets weirder. Everyone is hugging each other and sobbing while crying with blood tear out of their eyes. Instantly, a storm showed up. The weather is cloudy and the cloud is turning black. It is raining, a lightning and a big wave suddenly fling violently into the place.
The wave had caused me to be drown in the water. This situation used to happened to me whenever I am feeling sad. I opened my eyes and trying to get out of the wave. I screamed in the water as hard as I can because I always use this method to help me from getting out of this dream.
" AHHHHHH!!!!! "
Silence has invaded into this part where I lied under the surface water unconsciously.
*boom boom*
Turning my head to side, but I am not in the water anymore. I touch myself from head to toe, likely not feeling wet or anything, I am still in the dress.
The sound of bomb and fighting has reached into my ears. Thousands of Peope running toward the north even with some people holding their baby to themselves.
I stood still and viewing this strangest things I have ever encountered before.
I even see some people grab each other clothes and holding on to each other, trying to walk up. Running while hitting each other but they don't care because they will do anything to requisition from this condition.
I saw one big man wave his hands, help leading people to the north. There must be something behind this dream.
I ran into south contrasting to where everyone is going. IT IS A WAR!!
I saw people fighting and throwing bomb, canon and everything. The situation had me worried and my heart is pounding with tear drop out of my eyes unconsciously. I didn't felt the same, it is not the same me anymore. Something had flown away from my heart, I have a feeling that it's blank.
The view I've seen had me lost my countenance.
One man Shouted.
Norvioemie?? You mean Norvioemie kingdom.
One guy with a thick beard shouting to their armies and troop to bring more troops.
More yomps march to the front and shoot their arrows.
Suddenly, there is one old lady walk past me. I step backward and turn my head around but then...
She got shot by the arrow and crying to death.
" Grandma!!! No...No!!... NOOOO!!!! "
" AHH!!...
*breath hyperventilating* "
" Phew, thanks god I am awake. I thought I would stuck in that dream forvever. "
I said.
I am shaking shiverly again.
Looking at my hands and saw that fingers nail scar once again. Looking around and I am in my bedroom.
" Wakey Wakey...! "
June knocks the door and said to me.
" Why are you sweating?
You don't look too good"
" Wait, why am I on the bed? "
" What do you mean? Did you sleep at the bathroom last night? *Laugh*"
" Haha... very funny *roll eyes*"
I talked to June sarcastically.
" Alright! I am heading out. "
June walks away out.
I looked outside the window. And smile to myself.
End The Scene With A Flower
Blooming Outside The Window.
Hey guys, if you like the story please don't forget to vote and comment down below for another parts to come.
Love you all, you guys are my inspiration, thank for all your support 😙💋❤