I am not alone

*girl crying*

Her tone is very sad, her voice is so sweet that can chant the world to be here. Someone tries to run away from fear but it is impossible. Someone tries to bring her soul back. Her cloak hides her true identity, wandering in the forest.

She tries to, tries to conceal her true self. The only magical light appears in front of her. I walked up to her asking if she is fine.

" Excuse me, are you okay? May I ask what are you doing here in this forest? "

She faces up with tears dripping down her cheek. The cloaked girl looks so weak and exhausted but painful at the same time. She reached her hands to me, hold my right hand tightly. She started to sob even more.

" Please help me. I have nowhere else to go. I am lost- I am...lost. "

" How long have you been here? "

I asked.

But she didn't answer, she still crying.

" Please help me. I am lost"

She said the same things to me again and again. She looks up to me as she needs help at her last breath.

" I kno-"

" I need help, please. I am lost. "

" I know you are lost. That's wh-"

" Please, I am lost... I AM LOST!!!!! "

She keeps shouted so loud. I step back as my heart is beating so fast. I am trying to figure out what happened. I sat down on the ground crying, using both hands to closed my ears but it didn't help. My tear started to burst out without me knowing.

The forest started to be seismic. The cloaked girl still screaming as she gives the power to the forest to destroy everything.

* screaming*

" Please stop, please stop, please stop. "

I kept saying to myself.

" Allie...Allie!! "

Is that June?

" June?? " Where are you? JUNE!! "

" Allie?? Wake up!! "

* whoop*

* alarm ringing*

Now I see what happened. June keeps shaking me and my alarm

still goes off. The alarming thing with June shakes me triggered me so much but it is a good thing because I won't be stuck in that dream.

" Your alarm is ringing!! And you didn't wake up? How productive!!"

June mocked me.

" First of all, who changed my ringtone alarm ?"

I asked.

" Umm, I did while you were showering downstairs yesterday at night. "

I glanced at him.

" I am sorry!! Maybe. But you need to thank me for changing the alarm sound or you might get up at 10:00 am. "

I rolled my eyes.

" where is grandma? "

" Grandma is in the garden."

June replied.

" What is she doing? "

" I don't know!! Planting? Anyway, I got to go! "

He ran off the stairs while I am tidying my bed. I sat down as I still keep thinking about that girl in my dream. She looks so beautiful but not when she is screaming. I kind of seeing her face when she screamed. But there is a dark fog that appears so.

I think she is seeking help. Farther away in where life lies awaiting me. A whole lot of fantasy to come. I have to do something. Let's go to grandma.

" Breakfast!! "

Mom called me for breakfast while she is doing the dishes.

" It's fine mom. Put it on the table for me. "

I replied

" Green garden in the theme.

Hard like a tree 🎶 . "

Grandma sings.

" Grandma?!! "

" oh, you're here. "

Grandma said.

" Of course, I am here. "

" Sleep well? "

" Not grandma. I have a really weird dream yesterday."

" Tell me about it! "

" Well, I saw the same forest just like when you held me to that place from hypnotising. But this one is weirder because I saw a cloaked girl sitting on a rock, crying all alone. All she did to me was held my hands tightly and said " Help me. Please help me, I am lost."

" OK? And? "

" Well, that is when she screamed so hard and the forest started to feel like an earthquake. And... that is all as far as I can remember. "

" OK then! "

" It is not okay, grandma! You don't understand! "

" You just being paranoid!! "

" I think there is something lies upon beyond this dream. "

" There is nothing apart from this dream, you think. I am out. "

" Grandma!! "

Grandma walked out from me silently without saying anything while I was sitting all alone here. But let see what am I going to do next?

* phone ringing*

" Allie?? Allie! Your phone is ringing. "

" Oh, thanks, mom. Wait it is Naquila!! I am going to talk to her. "

So if you are wondering who Naquila is, she is my best friend. We love exploring together and learn lots of new things. Naquila is good at researching, math and history. Now if you don't mind giving me a second, I am on a call.

" What's up girl! "

Naquila said.

" Hey! I missed you so much. Why are you calling? "

" I don't know, just missing you. And guess what?"

" What? "

I replied

" Yesterday, I have a really weird dream! "

" What is it? "

I asked.

" I'll send you in the text. "

She said.

" OK! "

* notification sound*

" You see it? "

She asked.

" Yes, I do. Wait I will read it later. "

" No, read it now. "

She insists.

" Not now! "

" Fine! So you got any plans for this summer. "

She asked.

" Uh-not me but my parents. They wanted to visit Hawaii for 10 days. But I don't want to. "

" What why? Are you serious? IT IS HAWAII, Allie!!

HAWAII !!! "

Naquila started to exaggerate.

" I know but I rather not because-never mind. So do you want to go to the library by tomorrow ?"

" For what? "

She asked.

" Umm-i don't know. But I feel like I want to go. Because we can discuss a lot of things there. Especially, there is the thing I wanted to talk to you about. "

I told her.

" What is it? "

" See you tomorrow! "

I said.

" Wha-"

* ended call. *

" What did she say, honey?

Mom asked me.

" um-nothing much! We just thought about going to the library tomorrow."

" I thought it is summer. "

Mom said and looked at me.

" yes, it is! But I have a few things to talk to her so...yea."

I looked into my phone and walked into the garden outside as I sat down on a bench, looking far away for the answer to be responded to.



Tomorrow morning

7:00 am...

*music playing*

" Start a new day! "

I said while running downstairs.

*music fade*

" Bye, mom!"

" Breakfast?"

Mom asked me.

" It's fine. I grab some food on the way. "

" But-"

" Bye, mom! Love you!! "

* mom shook her head and smile.*

At the library...

I arrived at the library. It is so quiet and peaceful but, it doesn't have many people, though.

I tried to find Naquila but I couldn't find her anywhere. It is like she is playing hide and seek with me. I wanted to use the phone but it is the library policy.


So I went outside and text her.

" Ugh-where is she? "

I murmured.

" Allie?..ALLIE !!"

" WHAT?"

* she makes that annoyed

face 😑*

"Oh, you are here! Let's go."

I snatched her hand and acted as nothing had happened. We walked into the library door and looking forward to the history books shelf.

" Excuse me? Hey girls! "

A girl librarian called us.


" Umm-hello. Can I help you? "

I turned my head to her and replied.

" Yes. Our library policy doesn't allow phones inside. You can either switch it off or keep it here at the front desk. I mainly apologized first but this is just our policy. "

She discoursed to us.

" Umm-of course. I don't mind but I respect your policy so don't worry. I switched it off."

I said with a smile on my face.

" Thank you."

walking down to the containers of books. Tons and tons of books, we hardly know which to choose. So Naquila asks the librarian girl earlier about the book she wants.

Naquila walks up to that books shelf and we are finding that book. Not long enough and we found it!


Naquila covered her mouth.


Everyone hushed her.

* I laughed. *

We walk toward the long table and sat down after a long search.

" So have you read it yet? "

She asked me.

" Read what? "

I asked.

" The-"

She moves her head and using gestures.

" Ohh..that one. What are you talking about? "

I asked her.

" Ugh.. about my dream. I texted you, yesterday."

" Ohh... Yes. No, not yet."

" WHAT! "

naquila shouted again.


" Sorry.."

" Read it!"

" OK fine, jeez. "

I replied.

* I open the notepaper*

Reading note...

My weirdest dream

One night, I dreamt about something weirdly happening to me. The whole world, places, humans and creatures are all different. Listening to light musical groups playing strange instruments. Different from what I seek into, the planet where the magical place is created.

I saw blue fireflies at night, everything turns beautiful as I can see. Nothing is weirder than this until I saw a girl with pretty decoration, dress and everything. But little did I know that she looks like my

friend (Allie).

Everyone celebrates the whole night in this place together and that girl walked up to me. We were playing and talking together just like in real life. Everything is going fine until...


" Until what? "

I asked.

" What's wrong? "

She asked.

" You didn't-"

" Well-i..that is all I can remember. "

She said.

" I am hungry now, let's go."

I rushed out, snatched her hand and walked fastly to the exit.

" Have a nice day!"

The librarian.

I ran quickly, open the car door. Naquila followed me and she didn't even know what I am doing.

" Slow down!! Where are we even going?"

She asked me.

" We'll see,"

I said.

I headed to east because that is where my grandma's house is. Naquila has been making the wondering face through this whole ride.

* car stopped*

" And... We are here! "

I said.

" Your grandma's house?"

She asked.

" Oh hey, girls!"

My mom.

" Hello, Mrs May."

" We are going into my room."

I said.

I rush to open my bedroom door and heading toward the study desk agitatedly.

Naquila has no idea what I am up to.

I open up the drawer and pull out the drawing I made after I dreamt.

" Here take a look at this."

I hand it out to her aggressively as I wanted her to look at it so bad, my breath is uncontrollable.

* she looks at the drawing paper.*

" Don't worry take your time."

I said.

" wait-!!"

She looks at me.

" Yes? Did you get anything?"

I asked.

" Wait, is it-? "


I shouted.

We looked at each other a bit longer and started to feel things the same way.

" So that means-"

" We have the same dream."

" We have the same dream."

* we talked simultaneously.*

I sat on the bed and trying to ask Naquila a lot of things about what she has been experiencing.

We spend our day talking about stuff and know more about each other. I felt like we are even closed than before, though we already are.

She had dinner with my family.

The evening had taken my sadness away when it replaced me with fun.

" Well, it is already 7:30 am. I think I have to go now before my mom asked me."

Naquila puts a warm smile on her face and talks to me.

" OK,"

I said.

" Bye, everyone! "

" Bye Maquila!"

" Oh, I wished you would stay longer."

My grandma said.

" I wish too."

She said.

" Bye girl. "

" See you!"

I said.

I closed the door while Naquila is walking away. Turning my head to the stair and walked up to my bedroom to have a nice sleep after a long day.

See you tomorrow
