He won’t fall


Dylan and I left the house early in his private helicopter. He said he didn't want to drive for a long time. Or maybe he just doesn't want to be with me for long. The helicopter landed at the resort helipad. Dylan went down first and I followed.

When I came down, I was immediately greeted by Aunt Vivian's hug. He kissed me on the cheek. "Hello, Dear! I'm so glad you two made it!"

"Of course! I don't want to disappoint my beautiful Aunt." I said while hugging her back.

"Let's go inside. It's hot. Shocks! My armpit is already crying." He released me and then dragged me inside his hotel.

Dylan quietly followed us. Tita took us to the Chapel, in a few minutes the mass would begin. We just sent the things to Bell Boy to take to our room.

Aunt Vivian first left us in a chair because her friends called her. Next to me was the quiet priest and Dylan.


I looked back because that's where the voice came from. My face lit up as I recognized who the two men were waving at me.

"Christian! Trey!" I shouted. I got up and quickly went to where the two were. I hugged the two at the same time because I could no longer reach their necks. "I missed you both!"

I heard them laugh and hugged me back too.

"We missed you, too, Lulay," Trey whispered to me. "We found out about Cammy's departure. We miss her, too. Why did she leave without saying goodbye? What was she thinking?"

I shook my head to find out that I also didn't know what was on Camille's mind. I buried my face in Trey's chest. I can’t tell them the situation. Dad might even ruin that.

Especially Dylan, I know he doesn’t want to spread what happened when he got married.

We both miss her.

He took a deep breath and hugged me even tighter.

We parted and then lightly pinched my cheek. It smiled. "She'll be fine, okay? It's Mama's party, we shouldn't be sad."

I nodded.

Kristian and Trey are twins. I was two years older than them. We have racial twins. But they are not identical unlike Camille and me. The only difference between Camille and me is the mole, I have a small mole on my forehead and Camille doesn't. They grew up with me. So of all my cousins Trey and Kristian are the closest to me. The two were seven years old when they left the country.

I slowly walked away with a sneeze. I confronted Dylan. His forehead was furrowed, and one hand was rubbed.

I went to the centre and started to introduce it to each other. "Uhm, cousins, this is Dylan Caden Reyes. M-My husband."

"We haven't heard of you getting married. Or you just didn't invite us." Trey's voice was tinged with sullenness. Kristian, on the other hand, just watched Dylan as if examining it.

"Uh... No. What—" A warm hand touched my shoulder.

"I'm sorry if we didn't invite you. We were in a hurry. You know that." Dylan's hand dropped to my waist and pulled me closer to him. I rested both my hands on its hard chest. He looked me straight in the eye as he continued speaking. "Because we want to get married right away."

I could hear my heart beating fast. I was the first to look away. I pressed my lower lip and when I looked at my cousins, I smiled but it was out of sight.

No! Enough! I should never fall into his trap. I should no longer feel hopeless that our organization would work out. I know, he's just acting because my cousins are in front of us. But why can't I stop my abnormal heartbeat?

Trey smiled and then held out his hand to Dylan. "Trey."

Dylan released me and then accepted Trey's hand. He nodded and then resigned.

"Kristian." No emotion says, Kristian. Dylan accepted her hand. I noticed Kristian squeezing Dylan's hand. While one was also watching Kristian intently. "You break her heart; I break your face. And I'll make sure surgeons can't even fix it."

One side of Dylan's lip rose. Oh, no.

"Are you still playing soccer, Trey?" I said to relieve the tension with them.

Trey's smile widened. It has also lost its attention on the two. Dylan and Kristian's hands had also parted but they were still not done giving sharp looks. I bit my lower lip and looked back at Trey.

"Yep! I'm with my co-player. Where is that fool?" He was looking for something behind me so I turned around as well. "Skyler!"

My body stiffened when he mentioned the name of his companion. It can't be. My chest throbbed, even more, when a man turned to our habit and started walking.


I looked at Trey again with my hands clasped.

From my peripheral vision, Trey shouldered Skyler. "Come here, brother. Make me brag to my cousin!"

I bit my lower lip and thought about how I would deal with it.

"Hi, Luna." My hair stood on end when he mentioned my name.

I took a deep breath. I closed my eyes tightly to relieve my nervousness. Then he stared and faced them. I winced when our eyes met. "L-Long time no see, Skyler."

Trey was shocked. "You knew each other? How—"

"She's here, Trey." Sky said calmly while not taking his eyes off me.

I frowned at what he said. What does he mean? Is he telling me about my cousin?

"What?! He's your ex that you still love so much, and you just left to fulfil your dream?! Lulay is the one you said you would come back and take back?! The ex that you said you would marry?"

Silence reigned after Trey spoke. No one wants to speak. I bowed. I didn’t want to meet Sky’s warm gaze. His hand was bent as if restraining himself.

I can't look at Dylan either. Now that Skyler is here, what hurtful words will he say to me later?

"Awkward." I heard Kristian say. We probably grabbed the attention of the two to interrupt they are giving sharp looks.

I was startled when a hand wrapped around my waist. I looked up to see who owned that hand. I saw Dylan's tough look. It looked sharply at Skyler. Its jaw also moves.

I was devastated when his gaze landed on me. "Uhm..."

I couldn't continue what I was going to say because Aunt Vivian had already appeared. "Children, let's go to our place. The mass is about to begin."

Dylan pulled me in when Aunt Vivian turned around. I gasped as it slammed into Skyler's shoulder. It was breathing heavily so I just chose to keep quiet rather than fight because of what it did to Skyler.

We sat in the front row. Aunt Vivian was in the first seat, her two children next to her, and then Skyler was seated next to Trey. I was about to sit next to Sky when Dylan pulled me. It sat in the empty seat next to Sky and I was on its side. I just kept quiet until the mass started.

"Give peace to each other. Peace be with you." The priest said cheerfully.

"Peace. Peace be with you." I smiled greeting the people sitting in the back row. They also reciprocated the greeting. I turned around again and looked at Dylan's behaviour. I sneezed to get its attention and I didn't fail there. I looked away from him or her. "P-Peace be with you, Dylan."

"Yeah." His head dipped down before I could move. My eyes widened, my lips parted, and he caught the gasp that escaped my throat. Bombs exploded in my head. Fire rushed along with my nervous system. "'Peace be with you, too."

He has returned the gaze to the front. My hands rose to my lips. I can't believe this. He kissed me. I don't know how many minutes I was stunned because of what he did. My cheeks warmed because I knew many saw what Dylan did. After all, we were ahead. Before I could face him, I noticed a man peeking at my behaviour. Skyler. The sadness can be read on its face. I felt guilty because I knew I was the one who did it. I swallowed before he smiled but it didn't reach my eyes then I faced the Altar again.

The mass ended. I kissed Aunt Vivian. We follow the priest to every place he blesses. Mama led the other guests to the buffet table. I felt someone hold my hand. I turned to see who it was. I stopped walking. I looked at the hands we were holding and then turned around. Dylan probably didn’t notice that because he was talking to businessmen.

"Luna." I looked up at him.

I swallowed before answering. "Sky—"

I couldn't even continue answering because my hands were holding my waist. Dylan pulled me away from Skyler, but Skyler's grip tightened on my hand. It glared at Skyler's hand that was still holding my hand. I resigned myself. I cringed when I saw the sadness in Skyler's eyes again.

"Let's go, Luna," Dylan said sternly. We were about to turn around, but Dylan faced Skyler again. One side of his lip lifted. "Don't be pathetic. She's mine, don't force yourself on her."

"Why did you tell Skyler that, Dylan?!" I said as he pulled me into the uncrowded place.

"Shut the fuck up, Luna. I've been annoyed with you before." Each time he pressed his word, he pressed his hand on my arm. I just wince.

He pressed me against the wall and then placed his hand on either side of me. I was ready to shout it but that I swallowed it too because I noticed how close its face was to me. It's like I'm small because of what it did. I swallowed as his gaze dropped to my lips. I immediately read my lower lip. What will I do when he kisses me again?

Our eyes met. I saw the hardening of his form. "He's the one you talked to at the party, right? Tsk! Don’t flirt around, will you?"

My eyebrows met at what he said. "Skyler isn't doing us any harm."

"You're attracting him!" His jaw moved a sign that he was angry.

I close my eyes tightly and stare. Annoying!

"You're delusional, Dylan. If I were you, I'd go to church every day." I narrowed my eyes at him. I pushed him hard and adjusted my clothes to get out of him. I swallowed a few times to keep my tears from flowing. "It's not like you're thinking about obscenity!"

I almost gasped when his palm touched my cheek. "You're becoming combative, Luna. I'm going to miss your weakness."

"Because I'm fed up with your oppression of me. I have my brain, you don't have to control me!" When I said that, I turned around. My hands are bent as I walk away from it.

Why can't I hate him?

I chased Aunt Vivian to the gazebo, just a few minutes later Dylan followed. We ignored each other until after the blessing. I didn't even see Skyler until after that. We were invited to go to the Buffet Table for lunch. I was surprised when Dylan pulled the chair for me. I smiled at him, but it didn't reach my eyes.

"All right kids, let's eat a lot. Dylan and Luna, you still have a long way to go." Said Aunt Vivian. She chose to join us at the table because she said, 'Family first' and later she would gossip with her friends at another table.

"We're okay, Auntie," Dylan replied as he sliced the meat that was on his plate.

"Oh, Skyler, why aren't you stirring your food? Didn't you like cooking?"

I looked at Skyler's behaviour. He was seated in front of me. He pierces the broccoli.

"I'm okay too, Auntie." He looked at me. I can see the longing in his eyes. I bit my lower lip. "I'm just thinking."

"Oh, whoever you're thinking right now, she's so lucky," Auntie said then poured the food into this spoon.

I stared at Kristian as he cleared his throat and then smiled foolishly. I felt Dylan's warm palm on my hand on the table. Even though I love the heat of it, I still need to be steady, I don't want her to know that with every touch she makes me weak. I secretly lowered my hand and placed it on my lap.

"Uhm, Auntie, did you not invite Dad?"

I just want to change our topic. Then I also noticed Dad wasn’t there, while Aunt Vivian said she would call it quits.

"Oh, he can't go and he's going to Australia. Business. He's just doing a job. Since Avery died..."

She cleared her throat and then smiled again. I know she doesn’t want to talk about my Mom because of Camille and me. She no longer wants us to be sad and orphaned by the love of a mother.

"Let's just eat."

After lunch, Aunt Vivian and I talked about how she thought of building a resort. And as well as the beautiful places it has seen in the countries it has visited. I can see again the sparkle in its eyes that the man who left him took.

Dylan and I said goodbye that we would just get dressed and relax a bit. We left early and were still tired from the trip. We went to our room. None of us spoke. I don’t walk with Dylan, I’m always ahead of it. But I can still feel its warm gaze behind me.

When I entered our room, I immediately went straight to his bedroom carrying the suitcases that Bell Boy had placed on the side of our door. I laid it on the bed and then removed the clothes from it. I was no longer surprised when Tita told me that there was only one room, I already knew where I would sleep. On the Sofa, where else? We have no mercy on me, Dylan, he doesn't want me to be around.

I heard the door open.

"Get dressed first," I said coldly while not looking at him. I got up then went to where the door was. I was about to leave but Dylan blocked the door. I looked at it curiously.

"Okay." It closed the door behind it. And then one by one the polo button was removed. I was surprised when he took it off in front of me.

"W-What— Let me out." Confused I said. I gazed up at him in admiration as he threw his shirt onto the floor. His chest was well-built, with a small spattering of hair, and his six-pack looked like something from a fitness magazine.

"Why?" What?!

"I'm going out. Y-You're blocking the door." I averted my gaze because of the intensity I could see in his eyes. What is he doing? And most of all, what is his intention?! I can't read him, damn it! "Fine! I'll just turn around."

I shuddered to turn away from it. If that's what he's up to, I can't give it up. I don't want him to think he's my weakness. I need to fight my feelings for him. But why is my body screaming differently? He wants me to face Dylan and whatever it wants to happen. I shook my head to clear my mind of its imperfect body.

I stiffened when something warm and soft stuck to my shoulder. I sighed when I felt his breath in my ear. "You're so cold to me."

I dealt with him quickly. "W-What—"

His lips sealed over mine. His mouth covered mine, stopping any more words from getting out. I don’t know who pushed me to turn a blind eye and put both my hands on its shoulders. I had to push him, but I couldn’t. I melt in his arms. His arms wrapped around my waist and pressed even harder on me.

Why is he doing this to me? Is he punishing me?

He pressed me against the wall the closer our bodies were. It lowered the strap of my dress.

Why am I responding to his touch?! God, I'm dying for his touch! I don’t know how many times I thought about when I would handle Dylan like this?

His kiss felt on my neck, I moaned at the bite he made there. I tugged at his hair and it tightened even more as he came down to my collarbone.

He stopped kissing me and then stared me in the eyes. My cheeks get hot. We both gasped. Is this a dream come true? Am I starting to have a space in her heart?

A corner of his lips lifted and looked down at my chest. "That's okay. So, Skyler knows where he's going."

I was confused by what he said. He walked away but he was still staring at me seriously. I looked at myself in the mirror just near the door. My eyes widened when I saw the red hickeys on my neck and chest. I blushed in anger.

"You son of a b*tch!" I would come over here and be slapped if Dylan hadn’t just caught my hand.

"No, Luna. You're the bitch." He said. Even though I was hurt by what he said, I didn't notice. "That's just a sign, even if I don't like you. You're still mine."

"Get your hands off me, Dylan!" I forcefully withdraw my hands.

Dylan let go of my hands but immediately grabbed my arm. "You love me 'don't you? If you love me, you'll follow everything I want!"

How did he find out about how I felt about him?

"You think, I don't know about that? I read the letter Camille left for you." I was shocked at what it said.

"Did you come into my room?"

"That room is part of my house. I'll do everything I want to do with my property."

I was so bitten on my lower lip. "I know you'll never love me back."

"You're right." This promise is weak.

"I'm not forcing myself on you. I've given up on you, Dylan. I'm just waiting for the day when you release the annulment papers so you can leave and find Camille. She's the one you love, I'm just her substitute. " I bent down and said, tears quickly dripping from my eyes. This is the first time Dylan and I have talked in such a long time.

Its grip on my arm gradually loosened. "You're not her substitute. I've never looked at you that way."

I looked up. "Huh?"

"You cry a lot. You're clumsy. You don't know how to stand for yourself. You know how to cook, it was delicious." He ate the food I made for him. "You're a total opposite of her. Which is why I won't fall in love with you."