

I sat on top of the king-sized bed while waiting for Dylan to come out of the bathroom. I took a deep breath and looked at the bathroom door it entered. It looks like he has no intention of going out yet, so I got dressed first. After I got dressed, I sat on the bed again.

I looked up as the bathroom door opened. I was swallowed. The only thing he was wearing was black boxer short. He wipes his wet hair with a towel. My eyes dropped to his bare chest, a few drops of water dripping there. I averted my eyes as he walked closer to me.

"Uhm, Dylan." What can I say? Shit!

He took the clothes I had prepared for him. I prepared that while he is taking a bath. "Rest now, Luna."

I hugged a pillow and got up from the bed. He raised an eyebrow. "Where are you going?"

"In the living room. That's where I'll sleep." I say weakly.

He pulled me closer to him until we were just a ruler away from each other. As my heartbeat quickened as I met his gaze. "Why? You'll sleep here."

He released me and passed. I looked at him.

"Where are you sleeping?" It stopped when I spoke.

"I can handle myself." He said as he remained behind me.

Is he acting? My Aunt and cousins are not here, there’s no point to act kind and caring.

I lowered the pillow and blanket I was holding on the bed and then stood up properly again.

"Dylan," This time, he turned to face me. His serious face remains. I stabilized my voice. "They're not here. Stop acting like you're flirting with me."

A corner of his lips lifted. He showed me his demonic smile again. "Luna, I cared for you because I need you and not the other way around. You remember my father's will, right?"

"Dylan, you're not like this when we first met."

"When can I wreck the walls, you build around you?" I couldn't stop my voice from shaking.

"You can't. I won't let you." He says coldly and I lowered my head.

All I could do was watch him walk out the door. I was horrified when he closed that loudly. I lay down on the bed and then covered my eyes. Maybe out of exhaustion, drowsiness visited me immediately.


When I opened my eyes, the darkness of the horizon opened up to me. But I could see a little because there was light outside. I stretched before standing up. I went to the bedroom mirror; I was amazed at the beauty of the surroundings. The moon went round, and round and the stars shone in the sky. The ocean glows under the moon. I felt relieved to see the beauty of it. My eyes went down on the shore of the sea there were people rejoicing.

Maybe that was one of Tita's parties. Suddenly I remembered that Tita had invited us there. I immediately closed the curtain and then started getting dressed. I just put on shorts and a white sleeveless shirt and left the room. I slowly closed the door so Dylan wouldn't wake up. He was lying on the sofa bed. I entered the room again and picked up the blanket. I slowly closed the door and went to where Dylan was. I covered it, fortunately, he didn't wake up.

I sat in front of it then silently stared at its peaceful face. Now I just stare at Dylan like this. Only now did I find out that his eyelashes are long. His red lips touched my lip earlier.

I hope the day comes when you love me too. I was probably the happiest person when that happened.

I smiled bitterly. It's not bad if I ask, is it? I got up. I will never wake him again. I'll just show Tita, I'll just say Dylan is asleep. He will understand me.

Then I also want to forget now. It's like I want to drink, get drunk. It's like I want to experience how those who don't care about the problem. I huddled with people to find them, Trey. I saw him with... Skyler. I took a deep breath before approaching them. Trey smiled when he saw me approaching.

"Cousin! Why doesn't your hubby seem to be gone?" He put his arm around me. "Lover’s quarrel?"

I shook my head then smiled. "He's asleep. I let him go first. Maybe later, he'll be here."

"Okay! It's a party!"

He released me and then took a woman walking in front of us on his shoulders. He dropped the beer on the table then took the woman to the dance floor. The woman didn't even complain about what Trey had done. I was shaken by what Trey did. Boys are boys. I immediately saw Kristian; this woman was also dancing. He looked up while shouting. They seem to be enjoying it.

I took a deep breath. Skyler didn’t leave my side.

"Do you want someone to talk to?" I heard Skyler say.

I looked at him. I was greeted by his chocolate eyes that when looked at you were piercing. It is as if by the time you look into his eyes you have no choice but to obey his commands.

"You know me, don't you?" I said smiling. But I know he noticed it was fake. Skyler and I also spent a few years together. I know he knows me very well when I have a problem. "But, there's only one I want to talk to. Wine."

One of his eyebrows rose. "You don't drink, Luna."

I laughed heartily. "How did you know? It’s been years, Skyler Madrigal."


I raised one hand to stop it from saying. I bent down and then grabbed a beer from the cooler on its side. There are coolers scattered around. There is no booth set up here because it is an open area. My variety of wine inside. But I only chose the mild one.

When I got there, I walked to a place where there weren't many people. I have already found it. That's not that far from where the party is taking place. When I found the right place, I sat on the sand. I felt the cold and fine sand on my thighs. I opened the beer and peacefully watched the waves.

I want to forget. Even just for a moment. Just a moment.

I felt someone beside me. I didn’t look back at that because Skyler knew that.

"If I can't stop you, I'll just sympathize with you." He said while also looking at the sea.

All that could be heard was the less loud noise from the Party. I sipped the wine I took, drawing the intense chisel down my throat. I almost coughed when I sucked on it. Eventually, I got used to that taste. When I thought, I was going to run out of that, I already felt dizzy. But I still can't get Dylan out of my mind. Why? It is just my brain and the one that wants to forget. Not my heart.

Skyler understands me. I feel guilty that I hurt him.

"Skyler, I— Can you—" I took a deep breath and looked at it. "Forgive me."

He also turned to me. His beauty was further enhanced by the impact of the moonlight on his face. "Why? Did you do something wrong to me?"

I averted my gaze. How do I get started? It’s now or never. "That I broke our promise? I couldn't wait for you."

"It's okay. I think that's my karma because I flirted with other women in the States. I was young and stupid. I want to apologize to you, but you've blocked me on almost every website that exists." He took a deep breath. "Your existence is precious to me, Luna. I still love you. Luna, if I could just turn back time and not do those things, maybe we could still be together."

He moved closer to me then his hands covered my face. I saw his eyes full of sadness again.

"Me too, Sky. I wish I could love you back." I hugged him tightly. My tears flowed as he hugged me back.

I wish I could.



I caressed Luna's cheek. She lay on the sand while her head rested on my thigh so I could freely observe her angelic face. I know her twin, Camille. They are not the same two even though they are twins. You can read in their aura who Camille and Luna are. Camille loves to wear vulgar clothes, her face is also bold as if people have always been small. Luna, on the other hand, wore sensible clothes, and there was no trace of courage on her face. If you look at Luna, she looks like a lost puppy in the jungle. It's like when you touch her, she's going to cry. She's fragile.

You can also see how much she loved his father even though he treated him that way. I don't even know why Mr Garcia had Camille its kindest child. During the time I was with Luna, I could only see the joy in her eyes when her Aunt, Aunt Vivian praised her or when she touched Camille's toy given to her by her Dad.

I bent down then kissed it on the forehead.

"Me too, babe. I wish you could love me back." I closed my eyes.

Even though we were still in high school, I made up my mind that she was the woman I would marry. And when I get back here, I'll claim her again.

I took a deep breath then stared. I lowered my gaze to Luna as she moved and tilted. I arranged the hair that covers her face. I turned pale when I noticed the reddish mark on her neck. Shit! Am I too late?!

"Get your hands off my wife, Madrigal!"

I turned to the person who possessed that authoritative voice. I saw Dylan approaching our place. He walks fast and glared at me. I slowly raised Luna's head and then lowered it to the scarf I rolled up to be a pillow. When I got up, Dylan pulled over the collar of my dress. His face is grim.

"What do you think you're doing to my wife?!"

Wife? The nerve! He wasn't even wearing their wedding ring. While Luna was always wearing hers.

I smiled foolishly. "I hope Luna heard how you say she's your wife. She'll be happy to hear that."

"What do you want to convey? That she's not happy with me?"

I rubbed both my hands on my khaki shorts. "Do I still have to respond to that, Reyes? I don't think so. You already know the answer."

If Luna was happy with him, she wouldn't be drinking alcohol today just to forget. If Luna is happy, she will show her real smile and not the fake one.

"You don't know, Madrigal. You don't know if—"

"I don't need to know anymore, Reyes. I met Luna first." I cut him off. I looked at Luna as she slept peacefully. "I can see the agony on her face. I just have to wait for the time that she gets tired of you."

He has no right to hurt the woman I love.

We exchanged sharp glances with each other. We both clenched our fists. I will never let Luna be sad again. I love the woman he treats like nothing. Luna is kind, she deserves someone who will never hurt her.

I saw Trey and Kristian approached us and the guest are watching. We have already attracted a lot of attention. Trey stood between Dylan and me. "Get away from each other. Let's not ruin Mama's party."

Dylan ignored what Trey said. He just walked past me and picked Luna.

I must be the one doing that to Luna. I should be Luna's husband now. I kept myself from attacking Dylan because I knew that if I did that and she found out that I did it, she would hate me. I have sacrificed a lot for her.

All I could do now was look at them while Dylan was scooping her and walked towards the hotel. I felt Trey's hand grip my shoulder.



I immediately entered the elevator when it opened. I looked at the woman I was carrying today. I took a deep breath. I no longer knew what I would do to her. I looked up and observed the number change at the top of the elevator. I don't know but, I want her in my arms.

"Dylan..." She growled. It was as if some warm hand had caressed my heart. "I... wuv... you..."

I shouldn’t feel it. I hate this woman. What else should I do just to get rid of how she feels about me? All I want is for her to hate me too, I want her to lose her love for me. I love Camille. She’s the only one I take seriously like this so I can’t accept that she left me. It would have been okay even if she just left me when we got married or ran away, but damn, why does she have to tie me to her twin.

What I don’t understand is that I feel annoyed when Luna is with someone else. It's like I want to kill the man who approaches her.

I kissed her on the forehead.

"My walls already have a crack because of you, Luna.”